
A resident of Ananda since 1975, Savitri is a Lightbearer Minister, Spiritual Counselor, Raja Yoga Teacher, and former co-director of the Ananda Meditation Teacher Training program. Among Ananda’s most popular teachers, Savitri has taught at The Expanding Light Retreat and several of Ananda’s branch communities since coming to Ananda. She lives in Ananda Village with her spouse, Nayaswami Sudarshan.

An expert in the chakras for decades, she has taught hundreds of classes, workshops, and seminars on understanding and awakening the chakras. Among other courses, she currently teaches Know Your Chakras, an experiential chakras course. She also is the author of the Chakras for Starters book with an audio companion. Savitri’s perceptiveness in a trilogy of novels is highly valued by readers of any or all books from the collection.

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