What has Swami Kriyananda been to me? An example. A friend. A true teacher. A disciple.

Swami has shown me what it means to be human. Im amazed at what he knows, abut the depth of his spiritual experience yet Ive been most touched by how honest he is in sharing his heart. Its easy to visualize masters or self-realized avatars, and feel somewhat dejected by the gap between them and ourselves. But seeing someone like us, trying, striving, falling, rising, and being so open-hearted about sharing their experiences with us thats true friendship.

Ive seen Swami in close quarters. Ive experienced firsthand his selfless support, friendship, and concern for me when by all rights he should have been concerned for his own welfare. This is something I cherish, that no one will ever be able to take away from me. This is true, unconditional love.

Above all, Swami has created Ananda, which was the answer to my prayers through Yoganandas living teachings, Ive learned what my heart sought after for so long.

Swami has encouraged me to want, as he does, to bring these teachings to life to make them real for myself and share these blessings with many other sincerely seeking souls.

-Joe Begley

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