When I first moved into the Ananda community, Swami Kriyananda was staying here from time to time. I had never met or seen him in person, but at times I felt a more peaceful vibration in the community, and someone would mention that Swami was here. I was determined to meet him face to face.

At the time of the earthquakes in Italy, Swami decided to give a concert to benefit the Italian quake victims. I thought, Heres my chance to meet him in person. That night, I arrived 45 minutes early because I wanted to get a good seat up front so I could really see him up close. They werent letting anyone in early, but with the grace of God I was allowed in.

I chose a seat in the second row. Perfect! Everyone was racing around trying to get everything just right. Then Swami came on stage, took the microphone, noticed me and nodded or smiled at me as he practiced. Always calm and centered, as everyone else raced around. I was so pleased I arrived early!

After the performance, which was wonderful, I decided Id go up to meet him personally. It took courage, because people were gathering around him. I was standing behind him waiting my turn. Suddenly he turned around and took my hand, looked directly into my eyes (or soul), and I said, Ive been waiting to meet you for so long.

He said, Yes, and what is your name? I told him, and it was like he connected with my soul. He said, It is a pleasure meeting you. That night I dreamed Swami was talking to me all night long.

In the midst of the trial, I wanted to do something for Swami. I decided to give him an art therapy drawing I did some months back. It was a drawing of me when I was feeling depressed and alone. A small black blob with lots of light all around. I thought it might make him feel better. I sent him a note also.

I didnt see him for a while. Then one Saturday, two friends of mine were here for a visit. I talked a little about him as we toured the community.

My one friend had just bought a red convertible, and we were going for a ride. As we were walking to the car, Swami was just starting a little walk around our street. He turned around, waved, and came across the street. Before he came across the street, and I recognized it was him, my entire beingness (spirit and soul) leaped across the street to him. I actually felt this happen. He took my hand and thanked me for the drawing. Then he turned to each of my friends, took their hand, and asked their name. As we were getting in the car, he said, Nice car! That night I had another dream of Swami talking to me.

Swami is the kindest, most humble, open-hearted, loving human I have ever met to this day. I have never met anyone like him. This is my story, and I hope there will be more to come.

Judy Morningstar

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