
Dharma in Career

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Ankita Mishra: Hello sir, I am a 21 year old girl , recently completed my graduation and want to do something but dont know why whenever i am going to start or take a step for that there comes many problems . And at that time i feel i will never be able to achieve my goals. I was in relationship with…


Dharma in Career

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Vani: Namaste!My question is how does one find their soul purpose according to the life plan?I have heard that earning money through such means automatically brings both abundance and joy.What is the best method for one to get clarity to choose the right career which is our soul calling so as to attain both satisfaction and prosperity? Thank you, Vani


Can I Be Spiritual and Financially Successful?

Tyagi Jayadev

Question from Shantanu: My question might be a regular one. In fact I don’t know where to begin. 1. Can spirituality and acquiring worldly knowledge go hand in hand? 2. I care about my parents, I want to take care of them which takes money. So I run for money. But spirituality says money is hindrance. On other hand you need it for…


What is my Dharma in regards to work?

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Kailash: Hello there. I’m having a problem considering whether to join for a nightshift work, or not. I believe meditation can be the key here, but I’m afraid whether a nightshift work may cause problems to me spiritually. Please do answer. Thank you.


Energy & Confidence!

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Ayo: Hi, i am 29 years with no job and no work experience. I finished frm university in 2011 with a degree in computer science but i dont think i can defend my result. I am always scared of trying things out. I am married with a kid. Please help me out.


Should I Help My Colleague in the Corporate World?

Tyagi Jayadev

Question from Tanu: Should Krishna’s teaching in the Gita be followed in the corporate world, where people are constantly trying to show their visibility and highlighting other’s faults in order to achieve rewards and job security? When I was new to the company for which I work, I received no help, in fact my mistakes were highlighted by a senior member and then…


Shall I Follow My Passion?

Nayaswami Diksha

Question from Vesna: I started my masters in technology (maybe under influence of society and people around) in Germany 6 months ago. But now I feel that I am not following one of my passions (Music, History, Languages, etc). What is more important if I want to grow spiritually? Completing the course( duty of student life) or following the passion?


Career and Spirituality

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Purnendu: When I entered law school I was absolutely clear that I wanted to be a lawyer and a social reformer.Then I started reading Gita, Upnishads and all other scriptures of all religions. Six years down the line I am pretty messed up in head, I still want to be a lawyer and reformer but now the fire is very low…


What Is My Dharma?

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Mahesh s: I feel alone in a crowd.I start hating my job which I loved so much and where I was working for last eighteen years.I feel like leaving the job but fear of earning daily bread is pulling me back.I feel as if i am in a battlefield fighting a fierce battle with me. Please help me out.

Clarity Magazine, Spiritual Growth

Attune to the Divine Plan for Your Life

A soul who is guided by cosmic wisdom knows that he came to this earth principally for the divine plan, through the medium of his own past actions.