Did Jesus and His Disciples Practice a Form of Kriya Yoga?



Did Jesus teach a meditation technique to his disciples? How did his close disciples become so purified? Was it just by his grace due to karmic link from previous lives which dissolved their karma or due to them simply praying to God.



—Cyril, Ireland


Dear Cyril,

Thank you for your question! Paramhansa Yogananda tells us that Jesus did practice and teach his disciples a form of Kriya Yoga. What the differences are (if any), I do not know.

We read in the Bible about how the disciples were purified and blessed sometime soon after Jesus’ crucifixion, when the Holy Ghost comes to them. This purification was a direct blessing from the Guru to his disciples.

You asked: “Was it just by his grace due to karmic link from previous lives which dissolved their karma or due to them simply praying to God.”

I am prone to think it is both, rather than either or. Grace is a big part of it but they also had to get there through their own devotion and practice of inner communion with God. Yogananda gives a helpful formula for thinking about the spiritual path to union with God. He says it is 25% our own effort, 25% the Guru’s effort on our behalf, and 50% the Grace of God.

I hope this is helpful. You might also like to read Swami Kriyananda’s book Revelations of Christ for Yogananda’s insights into the New Testament.
