Do I have a soul mate?


i am a "kriya yoga sadhak" from india. presently i am a

bachelor. i would like to get married to a girl who is also

a " kriya yoga sadhak". how can i get to know my soulmate ? how can i attract my soulmate into my life ?

my greatest desire in my life with regard to my marriage is to get married to a girl who is also a devotee of gurudev yogananda & a "kriya yoga sadhak", how can i achieve this desire of mine?

—shyam, india


Dear Shyam,

Ananda has published a book of Yogananda’s original writings from before 1943, called Spiritual Relationships.

You can order this from Crystal Clarity in the U.S. (see link above), or from a website like if you live in India. One of the most useful quotations in the book about the subject of choosing the right spouse is this:

The spiritual way of choosing the right companion is to affirm deeply after meditation: ‘Heavenly Father, bless me that I choose my life companion according to Thy law of perfect soul union.’

If you practice this affirmation for six months with deep faith, you will marry your right companion, or the Divine Father will bring about sudden unfavorable circumstances which completely prevent your wrong marriage.

When you think you have found someone who shares your spiritual goals and will be harmonious, also consult with one of your ministers whom you trust. It is valuable to have the advice of someone not influenced by the power of attraction.

Marriage is one of the most important decisions you will make in your life. Do not rush into it. A woman may be a Kriya Yogi, and yet there may be great challenges in marrying her. Please take the time to get to know each other very well in a variety of circumstances. See if you harmonize on all levels.

Above all, look for a deep level of friendship and mutual respect.


Nayaswami Anandi