Help for novice meditators



I am a novice meditator, still experimenting with the inner light technique that I have learned from your instructions.

1. It helps me if I use some kind of soulful music, I can then quiet my mind and see inwardly more clearly. Is that something that is recommended to do?

2. Should I order the "Ananda Course in Self-Realization" of should I first meditate for some time prior to getting it?

—E.M., Canada


Dear Eliott,

Listening to music does inspire us, but Paramhansa Yogananda did say that when we are listening to music during meditation, part of our life force or concentration is drawn outwards in order to hear a physical sound. If you do want to use music, use it at the beginning of your meditation practice for inspiration.

I do think it is okay for you to use music with a visualization, however. One you do learn the meditation practice like Hong Sau and others that are in the Ananda Course, your energy will be so interiorized that you will not need music. We use music at the beginning of our meditation practice, during a chanting break, and at the end of our meditation.

I would recommend ordering the Ananda Course right away. This way you can learn techniques that will deeply interiorize you during meditation. The course will walk you all the way through. Also, you won’t develop any bad habits that you will later have to overcome.

In divine friendship,
