How Can I Take the Pilgrim Vow of Intention?


Is it necessary to have taken Kriya initiation to make the Pilgrim vow of intention, and how is the ceremony conducted if one does not live near an Ananda centre?

—Casey, England


One can take the Pilgrim vow of intention without taking Kriya Yoga initiation, because being a disciple of Yoganandaji is not a requirement for joining the Nayaswami Order. Swami Kriyananda sees the Nayaswami Order being for all devotees.

We encourage people to receive initiation in the Nayaswami Order in a group vow ceremony. They will then be able to experience the magnetism of the order much more powerfully. I would encourage you to attend an Ananda regional retreat or visit one of the Ananda Communities when a vow ceremony is scheduled. However, Pilgrims initiates do not have to attend group ceremony and can receive initiation from a nayaswami, tyagi, or brahmachari or brahmacharini when one is traveling nearby.

Blessings and joy,
Nayaswami Bharat