How to Know that Yogananda Is My Guru


I felt drawn to Yogananda, his book appeared to me at a time that I knew nothing about him. I have found a fellowship meditation group and have been a couple of times and have felt very welcome. I have spent a long time searching for a spiritual home and have struggled with my Christian culture. With Yogananda i love the East and West being brought together. But how do you know that Yogananda is your Guru? How do you grow attuned to him?

—Linda, Australia


Dear Linda,

If you feel attracted to Yogananda, then view that as a sign of encouragement for you to explore his teachings and guidance. As you grow spiritually, and tune into the path and meditation techniques that Yogananda taught, you’ll find from within whether Yogananda is your guru.

If you follow a true path you’ll come to a point where you either know it to be your path, or you’ll be led to the right one for you. Once you’ve come to this point of knowing your path and guru, then it’s good to confirm your attunement through taking discipleship. At Ananda this is something we offer in person or at a distance.

To deepen your attunement with Yogananda, endeavor to follow his teachings with increasing devotion. If you haven’t already started, it would be good to study the Path of Kriya Yoga, either online or in print. This involves the various steps of meditation and the spiritual path that Yogananda recommended. Also, try to connect with like-minded disciples of Yogananda, whether in person or if that’s not possible, then through the Internet or online (we even have a Virtual Community!).

Blessings on your spiritual journey.
In divine friendship,

Nayaswami Pranaba