Loyalty in the workplace


Many companies value loyalty and long tenure in the employees. How does this correspond to Babaji's statement to Lahiri Mahasaya "Work is for man, not man for work"? Not acting against your company's interest is reasonable, but how about leaving for a better place?

Thank you!

—Dm., Europe


Dear Dm,

Paramhansa Yogananda said to make our idealism practical which means that we need to uphold qualities such as loyalty but also put them into the context of our lives. Otherwise loyalty can shift easily into mere acquiescence and tolerance in our job situation.

It’s wise to keep a sense of balance in our lives and appreciate our work as service. Try to do the best you can in whatever job you currently have and see if you can help create a better work environment. If, however, it truly appears that there is still a better place for you elsewhere, then weigh the pros and cons and make the change if it feels right. Try to make the change with positive energy so the company you are leaving will hopefully support you in the move.