Thoughts Are Universally Rooted


Often I have read that all thoughts are universally rooted and not individually rooted. Please recommend a specific reading to understand it. Thank you,

—sandy, usa


Dear Sandy,

The topic of thoughts and their true origin is of course the topic of consciousness and the metaphysics of reality. So this is a big, big subject and pervades all of the literature, scripture, and spiritual teachings of those who represent the ancient precept that all creation is a dream of the Creator’s consciousness.

So referring you to written sources constitutes an all but impossible task. From Eckert Tolle to the Vedas, there’s no lack of explanations to support Yogananda’s now well-known statement that you’ve quoted above: “Thoughts are universally, not individually, rooted.”

Perhaps its more obvious when we think of emotions: after all, isn’t anger or love more or less the same no what the object of anger or love? There are different forms of love: familial, spousal, friend and so on. But the feeling, at its existential root, is pretty much the same.

It is often noted in scientific literature that discoveries occur at about the same time by unrelated persons or groups. Disputes over who discovered the law of X first are commonplace, as are, of course, disputes over patents, inventions, and other creative works.

The practical gist, spiritually speaking, of this precept is to help us understand that we can change the flow and level of our thoughts (and emotions) by attuning ourselves to the “radio station frequency” that we prefer to be on. To be a loving, accepting person comes from practicing love and acceptance. To be an irritable person requires only tuning into situations that are potentially irritating and then expressing that irritation.

When, to take this precept further, we understand that the higher octaves of thought and feeling are more purely aspects of God consciousness, we have made a life changing discovery. We can consciously attune ourselves and draw upon God’s presence and consciousness in whatever form we seek: love, peace, compassion, wisdom and so on. By prayer, meditation, affirmation and of course active, outward practice we can change our life and change our magnetism.

Lastly, and returning the beginning, consider at least in theory the implications of the teaching that all creation, both tangible and intangible (the latter including thoughts and emotions), is a manifestation of God’s consciousness. Consider, in any case, that while we may be born into a human body, we certainly didn’t create this grand scheme of the cosmos. So in one sense we are obviously simply a part of something much greater. So why take sole credit or blame for any of it: including our thoughts? Our credit or blame lies more towards what level of thoughts, emotions, and actions we choose to align ourselves with: good or evil; selfish or self-giving; debased or ennobled; etc.

Our true nature is none of these things: for we tat twam asi (Thou art THAT!). It’s just that goodness and virtue are more vibrationally attuned to God consciousness than selfishness or evil. Thus we can with will power draw upon the flow of grace that is always present in the universe and waiting for those seeking its blessings.

We can change our life destiny because we can choose what level of consciousness and creation we wish to attune ourselves to. This is the “Good news!”

ok? Blessings,

Nayaswami Hriman