
Hi fellow devotee,

Ever since I stared to practice yoga and pranayama and meditation every time I eat the top of my head gets tingly. What is this? Thank you.

—Dennis Anao, USA


Dear Dennis,

As you practice yoga, pranayama, and meditation, more energy starts to flow through the body. This can cause you to have a variety of experiences that you wouldn’t otherwise experience. The tingling sensation is probably one such experience.

Tingling sensations during yoga practice and meditation are often how we experience the cosmic life-force that keeps our lives and all life in the universe going. It is the inner electricity that runs the brain, produces and exports creative ideas, imports new impressions and looks after the entire management of the body.

These sensations may help you to remember that you are not the body, that the body is only your servant and that you are the immortal life energy.

Yogananda said that concentrated attention will bring a tingling sense of Divine Life to every body cell. He also said that eating is a good time to remember God. He said we should think about God before eating, when we are eating and when we are finished.

However, when doing any exercises, we should remember to perform them correctly. When doing yoga, remember that exercises should be done slowly at first, gently and rhythmically. Never give jerks. Every movement should be harmonious. Under all circumstances, keep the spine straight and the body upright.

Whatever kind of yoga, pranayama, or meditation you practice, you should use common sense, avoid overdoing any practice, and make sure that you are relaxed and comfortable while practicing. It’s particularly important that you don’t practice in an extreme way if you are a beginner.

If you follow these guidelines, any strange sensation that you might experience will likely be only temporary and gradually will dissipate. If it is not unpleasant, then go forward with your practice. If it is unpleasant, stop until you can work personally with someone who has the knowledge and experience to be able to guide you.

I hope this will be helpful to you.



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