My finiteness has gone to rest, cradled in Thy arms of infinite perception. Noisy sense impressions quieted at the sound of Thy softly approaching tread of inner peace.

Calming my breath, wakeful in higher awareness, I sat, still‐ly waiting.

Inner sounds—soul‐melodies—burst out in welcome to Thy majestic coming, O King Silence, with Thy approach to my peace-decked meditation chamber.

In the darkness, hidden diamond‐chips of broken dreams dimly glittered, hinting at the blazing glory of Thine approach. I gathered all my sacred aspirations, and tied them together into a single bouquet with strings of countless graces that I had received from Thee. Then I offered that bouquet at Thy feet. Lo! My humble offering was transformed into a bouquet of gold! With this gold will I construct a shining, ever‐enduring temple in my soul, wherein I will sit on Thy throne of peace.


175. Dance in Me Thy Dance of Infinity