featured4Visualize the Meditating Christ, sitting in Light high above the lands of the Middle East. As the Avatar born in that region, may His Infinite Light Bless All Souls NOW

May this Light bless and comfort the hearts of all those grieving the loss of loved ones.

See rays of this Light reaching down to guide and uplift those in leadership positions in the area. May their decisions be touched by Light, wisdom, compassion and right action.

See these rays also reach out to guide leaders in other nations (including the United States, Russia, China and nations of the European Union) in their policies and actions toward the Middle East. May their decisions be lifted above ego, and be guided by wisdom.

See this Light reaching down into the earth and cleansing the area of ages-old war-torn vibrations. May the Light of Peace shine in all hearts.

May this Light also shoot up into the heavens to strengthen the forces of Light blessing and guiding our planet NOW. May the forces of Light prevail NOW in any astral battles being fought regarding the Middle East.

May Thy Light of Peace shine in all hearts.

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