Spiritual Community

The Real Gifts of Christmas

Dear Friends, We send our heartfelt wishes that your Christmas season be filled with peace and joy. May you feel you are like the three wise men bearing gifts of divine love with each gift you give. Yogananda tells us that the three wise men who traveled from the East to visit the baby Jesus were our gurus — Babaji, … Read More

A Place Called Ananda, Music and the Arts

Ananda Christmas Album Preview

Dear all – I wanted to share with you some of the new recordings we’ve been working on these past few months, combined with others to make up a full Ananda Christmas music experience! We’ll be releasing the CD later in 2012, so please forgive imperfections in these, like the volume being too loud or soft. Happy listening! The Christ … Read More

Clarity Magazine, Health and Healing

How to Achieve Glowing Health and Vitality: A 10-Point Guide

Man has the independence and free will to live in the house of life with its three windows open or closed. When man closes the windows of life, he shuts out the three divine rays and finds himself living in the darkness of physical disease, mental disquietude, or abysmal soul-ignorance.

Clarity Magazine, Daily Life

Connecting Attitudes with Illness: The Science of the Pulse

In my practice I try to present the deeper aspects of Ayurveda in a way that helps people see the connection between their attitudes and the “imbalances” that lead to illness, and how their attitudes relate to their karmic lessons in this lifetime.

Clarity Magazine, Spiritual Growth

Our Most Important Challenge Spiritually

Learning to direct the energy of the heart is probably our most important challenge spiritually. If we want to awaken to our true state of unity with the Divine, we must learn to control our feelings and to channel them in a positive direction.

Clarity Magazine, Overcoming Challenging Karma, Spiritual Growth

Escaping Persecution: The Journey from Russia to Ananda

I had been attending yoga classes for about two years when three men in dark suits appeared one day and arrested our teacher. Everyone knew that someone from the class had betrayed him by reporting him to the KGB. Later we learned that our teacher had been arrested for distributing the yoga literature he had translated.

Clarity Magazine, Daily Life, Spirituality and Science

Vaastu: The Science of Bringing Spirit into Form

Vaastu is the science of bringing Spirit into physical manifestation in the form of a building. A building designed and constructed according to Vaastu principles becomes “alive” with prana or life force. The building functions much like a radio that can only receive and transmit beneficial energies, and cosmic energy bathes the entire building.

Clarity Magazine, Spiritual Growth

Break the Hypnosis of Age

Looking back, I can see where the downhill slide started – in the mind! I had embraced the thought-form so prevalent during the years I was growing up: that the retirement phase of life is the beginning of the end, and that it was “all downhill” from there.