St Francis, Patron Saint of YoganandaAs devotees we always strive constantly to think of the Divine.

Swami Kriyananda says in his book, Affirmations for Self-Healing, “One should not strain, nor reach outward mentally, to think of God. Think not merely about Him: Think to Him. Share with Him your passing feelings, your idlest fancy. Talk with Him. Practice His presence – at first, perhaps, for minutes a day, then for hours, and then all the time.”

Inspirational artwork in homeSo how do we do this as the pull of the world of maya is immensely strong?

It helps to have little reminders in our daily life wherever you are. Here are a few simple suggestions which I have found helpful in daily life.

Find artwork that inspires you and helps you remember God.

Desk photoPlace little reminders around your world everywhere you can.

Make a screen saver for your computer comprised of your favorite divine photos.

Lahiri Garden StatuePhotos or prints of the Master’s or other inspirational aspects of God can be found in all rooms of our home and offices.

Put an outdoor statue in your garden.

Dashboard photo of YoganandaIt is the Christmas season in the western world and many of us put up home decorations.  Try to find some inspiring decorations such as angels or other similar ornaments for your hearth or tree.

Get a small photo of Yogananda and place it on your dashboard in your vehicle. If you don’t have any this size,  The Crystal Hermitage Shrine of the Masters Boutique at Ananda Village has wallet sized photos of all the Master’s of our line along with garden statues.  You can contact them at 530-478-7586.

You don’t need blue-tooth to “think” to God.

What other ways do you use to help remember. Please leave a comment.


  1. Yes, I feel carrying God and Guru with me all the while in my heart I am able to face this world with equinamity.


  2. I find that having the Masters’ photos in my car, by my computer and in my briefcase provide a greater and more continuous attunement to Divine Mother, to God and to the Masters.It is so helpful in my business life and in my personal life.

  3. blank

    I put divine pictures as wallpaper in my computer. When I am angry, I try to fight with Him and call Him the “big bully above”, which helps me realize soon that there is no way that I can stay angry at somebody so loving! Anger becomes joy and I say “Aum Guru”. Of late, I am trying to take little “chant-breaks” every couple hours or so, for anywhere between 3 to 10 minutes,to play a chant to remind myself that everything is for Him alone, that I am but a note in His Infinite Song. But above all, living with Gurubhais is THE BEST way to remember God.

  4. No reminder is needed for God is my all-consuming obsession.

    But, I do like to have a picture up on my wall.

    I also posted little posters of quotes on my wall that say “Seek God” and “the saint is the sinner who never gave up.” Those do help.

    Thanks for the article mate.

  5. i keep masters photo in my wallet,since i open that so many times a day.also i feel close to him very time my fingers touch his photo.aum guru

  6. I’m currently reading Letters From A Modern Mystic, by Frank Laubach. It’s been a great reminder and inspiration for me. I feel Divine Mother is talking to me through the words on the page; so in reading I am in Her presence, and I am also reminded to seek her presence by what I am reading! I’m also finding that things on this particular aspect of practice are “popping out” at me in more ways than usual…this article is one such way. Thanks Kent!

  7. blank

    Thank you all for your comments. Yes, none of us “need” these sorts of “things” to remind us of God. Having experienced both sides, I find it helpful to populate my environment with God reminders. “Environment is stronger than will”, as Sri Yukteswar said, I find it is and aid, a deeply inspiring aid. Blessings to all.

  8. I am waiting for the “Master” card to come out…. Someone has got to be able to do this.

  9. Jai Guru

    I have like many others pictures of master and nayaswami kriyanandaji on the walls of my living room, in the kitchen and other rooms. I would like to share here that though I have many pictures of master as my favouriotes ,but of swamiji particularly there is a picture where swamiji is sitting in front of a computer taken from a cover page of a book and also is my favourite. Whenever I look at the picture I am reminded of that god is always trying to communicate with us , it is our turn now to do the same. Anything in blue, golden and silver reminds me instantly of the spiritual eye eradicating all other rhoughts from my mind no matter how important they were.

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