Online Class

Free Introduction to The Path of Kriya Yoga

What is Kriya Yoga? Kriya Yoga is a meditation technique that quickly accelerates one’s spiritual growth. It was first made widely known by Paramhansa Yogananda in his Autobiography of a Yogi. Yogananda said that Kriya is the most effective technique available for helping one to reach the goal of Yoga, which means “union with the Divine.”

Online Class

Art and Science of Raja Yoga

The Art and Science of Raja Yoga is the most comprehensive course on yoga and meditation offered today. It gives us the balanced and complete approach of raja yoga, which is also known as the “royal” yoga. The course is organized around seven topics-Philosophy, Meditation, Postures, Breathing, Routines, Healing Principles and Techniques, and Diet. It also includes in-depth discussions of the paths of karma, bhakti, and gyana yoga. The author, Swami Kriyananda, excels in showing the interdependence of these seemingly separate areas and how all of them, when correctly approached, further our spiritual progress.

Online Class

Preparation for Kriya Yoga

Kriya Yoga is a spiritual path, not just a single technique. The Path of Kriya includes specific techniques of meditation and yoga, along with discipleship and the philosophical understanding from Art and Science of Raja Yoga. After a student has taken our online courses, Ananda Course in Meditation, Art and Science of Raja Yoga, and Course on Discipleship, or their equivalent (the print version or classes at an Ananda Center), they are eligible to take this fourth step on the Path of Kriya Yoga. This course will help you to put all your previous training together into a comprehensive daily practice.

Online Class

Ananda Course in Meditation

This course is open to anyone who wishes to learn to meditate, regardless of religious or spiritual background. Whether or not you are a new to meditation, these lessons can help you establish and develop a deep, consistent practice and help awaken within the peace, joy and divine love that are a part of your true nature.

Online Class

Free Introduction to Meditation

This free introduction will help you experience the transformative power of meditation. The course content, based on the teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda, is spiritual, as well as scientific, in its approach.

Online Class

Going Deeper in Aum

This self-paced course is for anyone seeking to deepen their meditation. It will inspire and enliven your meditation practices and help awaken the pure devotion that draws the Divine Presence in our life. Aum is an especially powerful tool for healing, which you will discover more fully in this course.

Online Class

Deepening Your Meditation

In-depth advice on how to deepen your meditation practice. The course includes six 90-minute recorded classes, five assignments, and a certificate upon completion.

Online Class

Awaken Your Intuition

More than just a “feeling” or a guess, true intuition is one of the most important-yet often least developed- of our human faculties. Often thought of as something vague and undefinable, many people mistakenly assume that intuition cannot be understood and developed.

Yogananda How to Be Happy
Online Class

How to Be Happy All the Time

The human drive for happiness is one of our most far-reaching and fundamental needs. This nine-week course provides the tools and wisdom needed to tap into the joy and happiness that already reside within you. The readings and exercises are practical, engaging, and deeply inspiring. Through them, you can truly unlock the secrets of lasting joy and inner peace.

Online Class

Take Charge of Your Life

This course offers fascinating answers for life’s great mysteries but, more importantly, it tells you how to make the most of every day of the life you’ve been given. Understanding these truths can bring clarity, confidence, and inspiration into your life. Above all, comes the deepest encouragement to every student: the reassurance that God loves us, and that all of life is designed to help us move toward our own highest fulfillment.