
Could you explain a line from Yogananda’s poem “Samadhi”?

Nayaswami Savitri

Question from tyler: In Paramhansa Yogananda’s poem, “Samadhi”, there is a line that I’ve never really been able to grasp: “…glaciers of silent x-rays.” The rest of the poem is such an increasingly amazing aid to my meditations but whenever I go through this particular line, I am like, “huh?” What do you think? Jai Guruji!


Seeing the Inner Light

Nayaswami Pranaba

Question from rajesh: This is my childhood experience and continues even now. When I am calm and still, with my palms gently pressed on my eyes, I see a big light green hole with a dark green spot in its centre. What does this mean? Namaskar


Are we in Kali Yuga or Dwapara Yuga?

Nayaswami Gyandev

Question from Jabar Jordan-Walker: Are we currently in an ascending era of Kali Yuga or at the beginning of the Dwapara Yuga? I feel that spiritual perception within man is I guess you would say “all over the map” at this point in time. Could mankind currently be in a transition towards a period with a collective sense of higher self? Joy and Thank…


Is it healthy to spend time alone?

Nayaswami Pranaba

Question from James: Mostly you hear it stressed to “spend time alone”. How much is good and practical, and how much is unhealthy?


Do robots have consciousness similar to humans?

Nayaswami Gyandev

Question from Could Robots have consciousness???: Hi, I’ve studied a little bit of Artificial intelligence and what i’ve come to understand is that Humans are an abstraction of God and what we are trying to do is make Robots an abstraction of humans…. We can emulate the human behavior and psychology into a robot….. if we achieve this and to certain level we have, does it…


Distracting thoughts

Nayaswami Seva

Question from Janine Johnson: Hi!!!! Oh this is so great! I have been a PY student for a few years now. Although I meditate at least once a day, I do not do the Energization Exercises but I do try to do yoga at bare minimum every other day. I have many q’s about meditation though. Lately I have been feeling distracted. I try…


Signs of Progress in Meditation

Nayaswami Pranaba

Question from mrudula kelkar: After we start doing meditation, what is the way to find that we are doing it correctly?


Can listening to AUM free you from karma?

Nayaswami Maria

Question from priyal: Namaste, I’ve been practicing the Aum technique since a while now, there have been a few questions that have been bothering me, hope you can help me out a. Is it not true that a man has to live out his karma for liberation, how is it that hearing the Aum sound can help you out in this process b….


Overcoming anger

Nayaswami Anandi

Question from Susan: Please help me overcome my anger. I had only just begun my spiritual path when my husband and I found out that his brother had taken all of the benefits of the inheritance that the father had left for his 3 sons. Leaving us with huge financial hardship. His brother is very active in the christian church and feels he’s…


Difficult career choice

Nayaswami Devarshi

Question from Nirmal: I have an important decision to make regarding my line of medical research. I am torn between the options to pursue a career in either Molecular Neuroscience or Reproduction, as both equally fascinate me. However, I want to know which course is more “dharmic” because both involve sensitive ethical issues. For instance, Repro involves playing with human life: stem cells,…