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Christmas Eve Inspiration

In this heartfelt Christmas Eve reflection, Asha explores the challenges of human life, the incarnations of great saints, and the ultimate quest for divine love and self-realization. Watch the full Christmas Eve presentation at Ananda Palo Alto here. #christmaseve #inspiration #paramhansayogananda

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Christmas with Swamiji

Christmas Day Service Join us in counting down the days to the coming of Christ in this series of inspiration events featuring music, storytelling, meditation, chanting, all to awaken the Christ Consciousness within.

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Triumph Through Trials: The Power of Humor and Belief

Asha reflects on the challenges of maintaining spiritual focus, drawing inspiration from personal experiences and the teachings of Swami Kriyananda. Through humorous anecdotes, Asha shares the importance of maintaining a lighthearted perspective, even in the face of life’s trials. Sunday Service filmed at Ananda Palo Alto Dec 3, 2023

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Staying Ahead of Your Karma (English with Italian Translation)

Asha shares the importance of taking proactive responsibility for the karma we are facing, rather than passively waiting for external forces to rescue us from our karmic patterns. We are not powerless victims of our past actions, but rather active participants in shaping our karmic journey. Filmed at Ananda Assisi, Nov 20203. English with Italian translation.

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Karma and the Yugas: Cycles of Rising and Falling Consciousness

A powerful new energy is coming onto planet earth, as part of an ancient cycle of rising and falling consciousness. This planet is coming out of the age of matter and into the age of energy. During the material age called Kali Yuga, reality was defined by form: religion, race, culture, language. These separated rather than united us. In the … Read More