Clarity Magazine, Daily Life, Spirituality and Science

Dharma and the Yugas: Is the World Getting Better?

Today, when many are turning a blind eye to exploitation, inequity, and injustice, it may not seem that the world is actually getting better! However, through his explanation of the cycle of the yugas and the evolution of dharma, Sri Yukteswar offers a profoundly reassuring vision of where mankind is heading.

Clarity Magazine, Daily Life

Solar Outbursts, Cataclysmic Events, and the Yugas

During the last 70 years, the sun has entered a period of higher activity. Our electronics-based society is far more vulnerable to even relatively minor solar outbursts than humanity ever has been.

Clarity Magazine, Daily Life, Spirituality and Science

The Myth of the Caveman

More and more evidence points to a far longer history of civilized man than is currently assumed, and to a picture of man in 10,000 B.C. far different from the caveman of popular conception.

Clarity Magazine, Daily Life, Spirituality and Science

Pioneers of the New Age of Energy

In the 15th century, a powerful spirit of inquiry swept across Europe, bringing with it the Italian Renaissance and later, the Protestant Reformation.

Clarity Magazine, Daily Life, Spirituality and Science

Religious Intolerance and the Yugas

Sri Yukteswar’s theory of the yugas describes a very long cycle of human evolution—24,000 years—encompassing eight distinct ages or “yugas.” Each age offers distinct challenges and opportunities.

Clarity Magazine, Daily Life, Spirituality and Science

Is the World Falling Apart?

Today there are two conflicting ideas about where all the tumultuous change in our present-day world is leading.