Video / Audio

The Importance of Inner Peace

Swami said that inner peace was the absolute bedrock of his priorities. We need to learn to address difficult situations and have challenging discussions while at the same time maintain our inner peace.

Video / Audio

Harmonious Relationships Part 8

How to react when we know a person is trying to engage us in a confrontation? The secret is is not to “react” but to respond; and we respond best, for all those involved, with centeredness and inner peace.

Video / Audio

How Portable Is Your Life?

In recent summers and particularly in the last few years, extreme heat and dried brush have caused many wildfires in Northern California. Due to this, many people in nearby towns, have had to evacuate their homes at very short notice. This natural occurrence, has prompted Nayaswami Dharmadas to ask himself the question, ‘How Portable is Your Life?’ So, in this … Read More