A Place Called Ananda, Divine Love, Spiritual Community

Swami Kriyananda Arrives in India


Ananda’s founder, Swami Kriyananda, spends his time primarily in 3 countries: America, Italy, and India. As he recently quipped, “Well I have these [8] communities that I’ve started, and I have to check in every now and then.”

A Place Called Ananda, Divine Love, Spiritual Community

Connected: 8,000 miles away

You may have read in the recent posts about the 61st anniversary of Swami Kriyananda’s Discipleship to Paramhansa Yogananda. The essence of the celebration was captured by Barbara Bingham with her beautiful photos of Swamiji, the choir, and the crowd of celebrants. I too was able to “attend” Swamiji’s talks, thanks to the live video broadcast.

A Place Called Ananda, Divine Love, Spiritual Community

Hope for a Better World!

Today at the India International Centre (IIC) in Delhi, India, Swami Kriyananda launched his book, Hope for a Better World! (Links to the audio recordings are included.) Over 500 people attended!

A Place Called Ananda, Divine Love, Spiritual Community

Swami Kriyananda returns to India

Today Swami Kriyananda arrived back to his home in Gurgaon, India, just outside of Delhi. Swamiji had been away for about 10 months–his longest absence since moving to India. He spent that time getting needed rest and working on important projects (writings, interviews, lectures) in his homes in America and in Italy.

Swamiji doesn’t think of his “home” according to the common interpretation of the word….