Video / Audio

Peace and Harmony Prayer

Visualize the world or someone you have conflict with in divine light, and pray — out loud or inwardly — from your heart: “Lord, fill [this world / your friend’s name] with peace and harmony, peace and harmony.” Repeat this for about a minute (10 repetitions). Then visualize yourself in divine light, and for 15 seconds (3 repetitions) say: “Lord, … Read More

Clarity Magazine, Spiritual Growth

Answering the Call to Pilgrimage

My hands submerged in the warm, soapy water, I heard Divine Mother’s guiding inner voice: “You have to go, or else you have to get cancer, for there is no other way to teach you your lessons.” Her message stunned me to my core.

Clarity Magazine, Coping with Loss, Spiritualizing Relationships

When the Miracle Is Withheld

Although healings and miracles are certainly wonderful, and are indeed signs of God’s presence, His withholding of such gifts does not mean His love is not there. As Paramhansa Yogananda taught, “Sometimes God works through misdiagnosis, when it is your time.”

Thou Art With Me

Thou Art With Me

Psalm 23 is one of the most mystical passages in the Bible. This 20-minute guided visualization of Psalm 23 in the chakras helps us to unlock its great healing power, and to feel God’s transformative and comforting presence in all areas of our lives.

Divine Will Healing

Divine Will Healing

A treasure trove of the Divine Will Healing techniques of Paramhansa Yogananda.

Clarity Magazine, Overcoming Challenging Karma, Spiritual Growth

Stranded in the Snow

Why is one saved from suicide? In his heart of hearts, he was a good man driving a red truck, and his true colors came out (although reluctantly at first) even in his darkest hour. By saving us, he saved himself.

Clarity Magazine, Health and Healing

An Unexpected Healing

Swamiji stood with one hand on my husband’s shoulder, and the other hand on my spine. His fingers were right where the karma was lodged.

Clarity Magazine, Health and Healing

God Is the Doer: A Healer’s Journey

Spiritually, the most important attitude for a healer is a constant awareness that God is the source of the healing power. There is also the need for reverent devotion to God and Guru because if you pray and ask the Masters to guide you, they will protect you from all negative influences, especially any tendency to become egoic.

Video / Audio

All-Purpose Self-Healing Tool

Are the struggles of life getting to you? Use this healing prayer affirmation from Paramhansa Yogananda. Focus deeply at the spiritual eye, and repeat three times: “I will with my own will, which flows from the divine will, to be healthy to be well, to be prosperous and spiritual, to be well, to be well.”

Video / Audio

Material Success Affirmation by Paramhansa Yogananda — With Mary Kretzmann

Director of Ananda Healing Prayer Ministry, Mary Kretzmann, guides us in the practice of Paramhansa Yogananda’s “Affirmation for Material Success.” Transcript Mary Kretzmann: Hello, my name is Mary Kretzmann. I’m the director of the Ananda Healing Prayer Ministry. You can find us at And I’m going to teach you today, one of Paramhansa Yogananda affirmations. It’s called “Affirmation for … Read More