Nayaswami Premdas currently serves with The Path of Kriya Yoga to guide and assist seekers & devotees worldwide interested in deepening their attunement to the divine in themselves and others. An Ananda Lightbearer-Minister, a teacher of meditation and yoga, he often leads devotional services & classes at various Ananda Meditation Groups. A 23-year resident of Ananda Village, Premdas and his wife Jivani lived in the Ananda Palo Alto community 4 years, he working at The East West Bookstore, then moving for one year to cook and manage the kitchen at Ananda Assisi. His past experiences in the healing arts, in hospitality industry, in outdoors fitness, have all been incorporated to better serve Ananda’s communities and their inspiration, Paramhansa Yogananda. He seeks to honor the spirit of Divine Friendship as expressed in the words of his teacher Swami Kriyananda, “We are part of a great tide of loving, joyful energy that wants to give and give as long as people are happy to receive it.”