Shiva at work!

The Moksha Mandir Project is off and running! Work started immediately after the Ground Breaking Ceremony and we’re making good progress. The first phase is to build the new retaining walls in order to start the construction of the foundation for the Mandir itself.
The hillside below Crystal Hermitage looks like a huge excavation for dinosaur bones! Utilizing many pieces of heavy equipment and expert manpower, we have removed the old wood retaining walls, dug the footings for the new retaining walls, dug the footings for the new foundation of the Mandir and we have begun to place the retaining wall blocks. The retaining walls are like big lego blocks and they will continue to be installed till the middle of July. We have begun the building foundation work and will have the Mandir foundation and floor slabs in place by the first weeks of July. Onward and upward! Jai Guru!


  1. Thanks for sharing the photos! I saw the blocks making their way there on a BIG truck. Nice to see where they are going!

  2. Great slide show. Amazing work. Thank you letting us see what is happening.
    Joy, Laura

  3. Sending you energy and love and safety thoughts: thank you for the muscles and the brains and the enthusiasm and the love and the………

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