Most people meditate for relaxation, stress relief, better health, and calmer emotions. Those who practice meditation regularly with attention, sooner or later will have an experience of superconsciousness.

Swami Kriyananda writes:

Spiritual advancement is not a question of attaining anything. It is simply a matter of opening wide the door to a state of conscious being that is ours already, hidden from us only so long as our attention is focused elsewhere. When, by regular meditation, the door gradually opens, ego and soul are able to work together in closer cooperation.

A taste of superconsciousness can be experienced as: a crystal-clear, alert, uplifted mind; or a calm, inner sense of knowing; or a deep sense of connectedness with someone or with nature.

Other ways of experiencing superconsciousness are of radiant joy, expansive love, or rejuvenating peace.

As one’s practice deepens and one learns to live more in superconscious awareness, such experiences come more often, and one becomes less limited by old self-definitions. Meditation helps to clear away distorted perceptions of reality, so one can experience reality as it truly is, and begin to live in ever-greater enjoyment and fulfillment.

Gradually, through daily practice of meditation, one begins to experience Smriti —memory, remembering one’s true reality as a spark of the divine light, which yearns to reunite with the Light.

Hidden Potential

Daily practice of deep meditation calms the restless thoughts that agitate the mind. When the mind becomes completely receptive to reality, truth may be clearly reflected in the mind, and one’s hidden potential may be revealed.

Hidden dimensions of one’s consciousness begin to emerge—dimensions that one was not able to recognize and access because of restlessness and habitual patterns of behavior.

The human nervous system is able to experience greater and greater awareness. When a person is able to relax deeply, let go of attachments and desires, and go beyond thinking, one may connect with infinity, where one’s true potential is experienced. Talents, such as the ability to write, paint, sing, play music, etc. can be revealed. One gets in touch with a greater energy field that gives him the strength to override the old habits preventing him from exploring new dimensions of himself.

Yogananda said:

In meditation, the mind withdraws the life force from the muscles and nerves, and concentrates it in the brain cells, where the evil mental cells habits are grooved. This concentrated life energy in the brain burns out the grooves of mental habits lodged there.

Tips for Successful Meditation

From: Secrets of Meditation, by Swami Kriyananda

The secret of meditation is…

  • Relinquishing outward attachments, and affirming divine freedom within.
  • Deep relaxation: Inhale, tense the body; throw the breath out and relax. Release into the surrounding atmosphere, like wisps of vapor, any lingering eddies of tension that you feel.
  • To feel space in the body, and gradually expand that feeling from the body outward, into infinite space.
  • To focus your gaze and attention at the Christ Center between the eyebrows — the seat of ecstasy in the body.
  • To pray with deep faith — not as an outsider to heaven, but as one whose true, eternal home is heaven.
  • Putting resolutely aside every plan, every project, and focusing on the moment. (The world will be there still, when you finish your meditation!)
    to enter instantly into the silence within, and not waste precious time in mental wandering.
  • Releasing yourself from the limitations of body and ego; identifying yourself with Infinity.
  • Receptivity to God’s grace, in full awareness that God’s power alone can liberate the soul.
  • Offering yourself up wholly to the Lord, holding nothing back.
    unifying your inner and your outer life: offering every problem up for resolution to the peace within; allowing that peace to infuse your outward activities.
  • Seeing God as the sole Doer, and seeking His guidance in everything you do.

Listen to Swami Kriyananda’s chant, “When I Awake”:


  1. Absolutely beautiful and completely relaxing. Thoroughly enjoyed it.

  2. during self inquiry it is customary to ask “who am I”. Who or what is asking the question? It can’t be the egoic finite mind, it knows who it is,it has a name and a history and wouldn’t want to think that there was a power greater than itself or be relegated to a back seat, in short, it wouldn’t ask the question. Awareness/consciousness knows itself, is of itself, by itself, it has no need to ask “who am I”. Is there a third, a sort of interface between the two?

    I have found that deep prayer while meditating or after concerning a great conflict or problem generally makes things worse.since we are not the doer, we are on the stage but are not the actors,we are being played to a script unknown to us,then universal consciousness has caused the conflict/problem for what ever reason,’it is as it is and can be no other way’ accepting it without an internal complaining dialogue would rule out asking for the problem to be resolved,it would run counter to the purpose of consciousness.

    1. blank

      Dear David,
      The battle that we all face is between the ego and the soul.
      Yogananda defined the ego as the soul identified with the body. Therefore, the ego and the soul are not different in essence, but in your experience of them.

      If you truly know that you are one with God, there is no question to be asked.
      The self-inquiry of asking “Who am I?” which is a part of the path of Gyana Yoga, is to help the seeker of truth, to ask the question not merely intellectually, but from a place of intuitive feeling, so gradually, all the layers of delusive ego identification are being dissolved, until the realization comes that you are none of these layers, and the soul experiences its innate oneness with God.

      Nayaswami Diksha

  3. Thank you so much Nayaswami Diksha for writing this article. Rich in wisdom, in a simple way. Every sentence is inspiring and guiding in the right direction. Wonderful.
    – in Divine friendship.

  4. Diksha, you are so beautifully articulate. This was inspiring. Thanks so much!

  5. Jai Guru

  6. Dear Nayaswami Diksha, Thank you so much and how Blessed you truly are for this most beautiful article and your wisdom, guidance and everything within it, each time surpasses the last (if I may say that in true well meaning compliments) especially in highly critical times (cannot explain) – Thank you – Bless you and yours and all at Ananda always. Namaste

  7. Dear Nayaswami Diksha, I also meant to add a very big thank you for the most STUNNNING song, the absolute warmest joy and all that it makes me feel inside, again beyond any words. God Bless

  8. Dear Diksha,
    This offering from you is encouraging and beautiful beyond words.

    Thanks so much for cheering our days,

  9. Love this – somehow it is simultaneously uplifting and grounding. Aum

  10. This sharing is indeed beautifully expressed and motivating. Thank you for sharing so much in this format.
    LB Erb

  11. Dear Nayaswami Diksha,
    Your article is so beautiful and so well explained in simple language. I love your guided meditations too! Very inspiring.
    Thank you so much for your guidance and divine service.

    Pri J

  12. Diksha,
    This was so encouraging to read! I started meditating regularly this summer, and I’m proud of keeping up with my practice, but I haven’t experienced much measurable “progress.” I tell myself that just continuing to sit quietly is progress in and of itself. I remember the yoga retreats that you and Gyandev offered here in Midwest. They were very helpful. Thank you for this post.

  13. Beautiful.By just reading it gives so much relaxation.God’s grace

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