Clarity Magazine, Happiness, Success

Four Exercises for Success and Happiness

1. Calmness: Develop the mental habit of centeredness: Remain always centered in your spine; stand and sit upright; keep your emotions calm by not reacting emotionally to anything.

Clarity Magazine, Happiness

Humor: A Smile a Day

There is no better panacea for sorrow, no better reviving tonic, and no greater beauty than a genuine smile. —Paramhansa Yogananda

Clarity Magazine, Happiness

Humor: A Smile a Day

There is no better panacea for sorrow, no better reviving tonic, and no greater beauty than a genuine smile

Clarity Magazine, Happiness

Humor: A Smile a Day

There is no better panacea for sorrow, no better reviving tonic, and no greater beauty than a genuine smile.

Clarity Magazine, Happiness

Feast on Joy

The natural food for the mind is joy, and we’re always hungry until we find the ability to feast on that joy.

Clarity Magazine, Happiness, Success

How to Bring Joy into Work

As we move more fully into Dwapara Yuga, we can see the first glimmers of a global shift from competition to cooperation. How can we become agents of change, especially at work where competition is still highly rewarded?

Clarity Magazine, Happiness

A Smile a Day

There is no better panacea for sorrow, no better reviving tonic, and no greater beauty than a genuine smile. Paramhansa Yogananda

A Place Called Ananda, Happiness

An Experiment in Unmitigated Happiness

Okay everyone – raise your hand if your are a fellow addict of getting things done – hooked on that wonderful feeling of accomplishment that comes from crossing things off of the “to do” list, whether it might be cleaning the floor, planting the garden, or writing a book. (you can put your hands down…) In a recent post I … Read More