Clarity Magazine, Spiritual Growth, Spirituality and Science

A Healer’s Journey

Years ago, I discovered that one of my biggest challenges as a nurse was attachment to the person I was serving, and also to my role as a caring professional. My first awareness of this came when I found myself in tears because I was unable to be present at the childbirth of a favorite patient.

Clarity Magazine, Spiritual Growth, Spirituality and Science

Pretend You Are a Saint

I recall a time when I felt like I was being crushed by a certain experience. Then it suddenly occurred to me, “Well, what did you expect? As a devotee, you’ve ‘signed on’ to go through this process, and others like it, to become more spiritual and of course it’s going to be challenging.”

Clarity Magazine, Health and Healing, Spiritual Growth, Spirituality and Science

Living with Parkinson’s

Bill knows that to meet the challenges of Parkinson’s, he needs to raise his physical, mental, and spiritual energy. He believes that miracles do happen and that a recovery from Parkinson’s is a very real possibility. He says, “The key is not to lose hope.”

Clarity Magazine, Spiritual Growth, Spirituality and Science

Fitness Intuition: The Wisdom of the Heart

The heart generates the most powerful vibrations in the body – it sends out electrical signals roughly 60 times as strong as those emitted by the brain.

Clarity Magazine, Daily Life, Spirituality and Science

Why It’s Important to Listen to Good Music

Only recently has science begun to investigate exactly how music affects us and what it does to our bodies, our brains and our nervous systems.

Clarity Magazine, Daily Life, Spirituality and Science

Albert Einstein—Herald of a New Age

Though not considered a child prodigy, the notion that Einstein was slow, retarded or mentally challenged is unfounded.

Clarity Magazine, Daily Life, Spirituality and Science

Pioneers of the New Age of Energy

In the 15th century, a powerful spirit of inquiry swept across Europe, bringing with it the Italian Renaissance and later, the Protestant Reformation.

Clarity Magazine, Spiritual Growth, Spirituality and Science

The Pain That Became a Separate Reality

I became a yoga teacher because my back hurt. At the height of my problems, I had sciatica and pinched nerves that kept me from turning my head in a normal fashion.

Clarity Magazine, Overcoming Challenging Karma, Spiritual Growth, Spirituality and Science

The Quiet Saint—George Washington Carver

George Washington Carver, one of the best-known African-Americans of his era, was a brilliant scientist and educator, a major force for the upliftment of the black race, and an innovator in the field of agricultural biochemistry.

Clarity Magazine, Daily Life, Spirituality and Science

Religious Intolerance and the Yugas

Sri Yukteswar’s theory of the yugas describes a very long cycle of human evolution—24,000 years—encompassing eight distinct ages or “yugas.” Each age offers distinct challenges and opportunities.