To possess riches and to be attached to them often makes one callous to others’ sufferings and gives one a false sense of security. Riches cannot prevent the advent of certain diseases, catastrophes or death.


Those who hoard money for security, and those who spend it extravagantly on luxuries, live equally in delusion.


Grieve not when the winds of circumstance tear you from an accustomed security. Disruption is often the first step toward a greater freedom.


Patriotic selfishness has failed to impart national security and prosperity and instead has brought on national disasters, wars, unemployment, fears, insecurity, starvation, and natural calamities.


International cooperation alone will insure lasting national security. In the well-being of all nations lies the secure happiness of each.


We live in a state of constant conflict between our higher and our lower natures. Somehow we carry deep within us the dim, ancient memory of our higher nature, but the lower represents for us the security of the familiar.


Religion no longer holds the same relevance for modern mankind. Yet there is still, more powerfully than ever, a deeply felt need for understanding and that inner security which religion alone can give us.


All things change, and are therefore unreliable. Outside the Self, where can security be found?


Excessive dependence on material security is not compatible with divine faith. As God in the aspect of the Divine Mother once said to Paramhansa Yogananda, “Those to whom I give too much, I do not give Myself.”


Security, to the devotee, is not a bank account but a sense of constant inner peace. Inner renunciation is the way to true fulfillment.


All real security comes from Him; until you understand and accept this truth, your path through life will forever remain uncertain. But the more you live for Him, the more you will find Him taking care of you–even in the smallest details of your life.


Security is his alone whose faith rests in the Lord. Most practical of men is he who offers his life to God, praying, “My safety is Thy responsibility, Lord.” This does not mean we should not be conscientious. But after doing our very best, we should leave the worrying to God!

From the works of Paramhansa Yogananda and Swami Kriyananda

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