Spiritual awakening is an “unlearning” in the sense of being a process of divine remembering. “Ah, yes!” the soul murmurs. “I recall everything now. This is what I am!”  Awaken to Superconsciousness, by Swami Kriyananda.


Spiritual awakening is accompanied by a rising energy and consciousness in the spine. In this spiritual state, one may indeed dance, laugh, and sing with unending gladness, wrapped ever in breezes of inner joy. The Art and Science of Raja Yoga, by Swami Kriyananda.

The awakening of the chakras comes only after long, careful discipline. Great joy, as well as great mental and spiritual power, come when the seven “gates” are open. The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam Explained, by Paramhansa Yogananda.


Divine awakening depends upon channeling all of your energy upward, and focusing it at the point between the eyebrows. That is what Jesus meant when he said, “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy strength.” The Art and Science of Raja Yoga, by Swami Kriyananda.


Pranayama means control of the energy in the body, and its direction upward through the spine to the brain and to the Christ center between the eyebrows. This alone is the pathway of awakening. Essence of Self-Realization, by Paramhansa Yogananda.


The awakened kundalini alone can bring healing to the “poison-bite” of delusion. St. Teresa of Avila described her ecstatic experiences as resembling “the upward shot of a bullet through a gun”—an acceptable account of kundalini awakening. The Promise of Immortality, by Swami Kriyananda.


Despite the diversity of outward religious forms, the path of inner, spiritual awakening is essentially one. Rays of the Same Light, by Swami Kriyananda.


Yoga practice awakens the faculties, clearing away impurities that have too long kept the mind in a state of ignorance. The highest purpose of yoga is to facilitate the awakening of divine awareness. Eastern Thoughts—Western Thoughts, by Swami Kriyananda.


Will power is the key to awakening energy. Yogananda used to say, “The greater the will, the greater the flow of energy.” We can apply this principle to the task of keeping the body in good health and healing our illnesses and also to drawing inspiration at will. Art as a Hidden Message, by Swami Kriyananda.


The guru acts like a lighthouse, shining the Divine Light with a mighty blaze of awakening into the darkness of human delusion. Without such a high influence it is impossible for the devotee to rise to great heights. The Art and Science of Raja Yoga, by Swami Kriyananda.


The attitude needed for spiritual awakening is one of joyful surrender and receptivity to the inflow of divine grace. Rays of the Same Light, by Swami Kriyananda.

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