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Visualize the planet floating in space between your divinely charged hands… May Babaji and Christ bless the planet with Healing Light…. See Divine Mother blessing all in Her Love.

Dear Ones,

Happy news: the book,  Divine Will Healing will be back in print in late May on crystalclarity.com.

Recently I have been updating this healing prayer site.  Please take a look at these sections:  Prayers for World Peace and Articles on Prayer.  More improvements will be coming soon!

“Why Jesus Traveled About” (see below) contains cautionary words about healing, especially regarding choosing a spiritual healer above medical healing, even though the“healer” has not yet proven he can heal that level of illness. (Healing prayer can always be used in addition  to practical healing.) The point is to not take undue risks with your life and health in the name of being spiritual or “alternative.” Life is a gift, use it wisely. Assess what is your “best bet” for your  particular problem. Prayer can help heal you directly, as well as guide you to your best course of action.

Finally, I wrote this collection of stories a few years ago (based on our teachings). I am sharing it again now for your inspiration. Search:“Jesus Appears after Easter” by Mary Kretzmann or click through.

May God and Guru bless and guide us all in our prayerful service.

Joy to you!

Mary Kretzmann

Ananda Healing Prayer Ministry

Testimonials (I used to share these in the past, and I hope to do so more regularly again!)

  • From January:  “Alex has a bipolar condition and was in jail in Auburn, CA for driving away from gas station in Tahoe without paying during a manic episode. After the prayers started, everything turned around dramatically. His father could talk to him, and get through to him, and his son (Alex) was making sense.  After talking to officials, they let  him out a day early from jail to go to a halfway house in Boulder, CO  to continue treatment.  Alex hoped to get back to snowboarding.  (He wants to be an instructor.)  Alex’s difficulties have been going on for seven years.  His father was very touched, and grateful for the prayers.  He hasn’t had any experience with this kind of thing like Ananda.” (He later made a generous donation to Ananda healing prayer ministry)… (Alex’s father is the cousin of a long- time Ananda Village member)


  • Dear Mary…. My apologies for such a long delay… Things had turned really bad, but miracles happen & it did happen in our lives too.  She is well now.  God & Gurus blessed her.  Many thanks to you also….. Joy, Manoo

The Second Coming of Christ: Why Jesus Traveled About
BY PARAMHANSA YOGANANDA (Inner Culture, May 1935)

“All men Seek for Thee” [Mark 1:37] signifies that Jesus was sought by the spiritually hungry Souls of His day. Just as the fragrance of flowers draws the bees, so Souls like Jesus, who are fragrant with God, automatically draw spiritually hungry Souls unto themselves.

“And He said unto them: ‘Let us go into the next towns, that I may preach there also: for therefore came I forth.’ [Mark 1:38]

And the people sought Him, and came unto Him, and stayed Him, that He should not depart from them. And He said unto them: ‘I must preach the Kingdom of God to other cities also: for therefore am I sent.’  [Luke 4:42-44]

And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom and healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people, and cast out devils. And His fame went throughout all Syria; and they brought unto Him all sick people that were taken with divers diseases and torments, and those which were possessed with devils, and those which were lunatic, and those that had the palsy; and He healed them. And there followed Him great multitudes of people from Galilee, and from Decapolis, and from Jerusalem, and from Judea, and from beyond Jordan.  [Matthew 4:23-25]

Jesus did not want to confine Himself in His preaching to one land only, for He felt that His message was universal and He wanted to give His teachings to all spiritually needy people, irrespective of caste, creed, or color. He came forth from the Spirit to give His message to all the children of the Spirit. That is what is meant by: “Therefore came I forth.”

How different are the many missionaries, both in the Orient and the Occident, who come forth from theological schools to preach to others. Self-elected soap-box orators can create emotional upheavals but they cannot save or uplift Souls. To save others one must first save oneself. To heal others, one must have healing power. Only those who are thoroughly grounded in meditation and who could really contact God (whether they have book learning or not) are qualified to teach.

Jesus was not a school or a college graduate. He was a Master, and a Ph.D. with highest honors, acquired in the university of meditation. Those who try to preach before contacting God, lead their followers into the pit of ignorance and worry themselves with the financial problems of a spiritual organization. But those who are settled in God are the ones who can successfully transmit God to other Souls.

Jesus, being in touch with God and His all-healing, all-creative Cosmic Energy, could change any diseased atoms of the body into healthful atoms. Ordinary healers should try to heal only nervous disorders, mental ailments, and bad habits by suggestion, Divine will force, and invocation of God’s power. In the beginning, they should leave the responsibility of handling chronic cases to doctors. Only developed Souls should try to heal chronic cases. Jesus attracted multitudes by demonstrating His Divine power, not as a matter of display, but in the cause of helping the physically and mentally sick.

That is the best kind of advertisement. He also attracted people by the fragrance of Divine Love and magnetism which saturated His Lotus Soul. It is all right to draw people by advertisements if one has something good to give to them.

Jesus wanted to go from place to place to pick the Souls in the different crowds of different cities. Real Souls are rare and hard to find, and when they were already found in one city, Jesus wanted to go to another city to pick the real Souls who lived there. Jesus did not want to waste His precious time among the multitudes only.[1]

[1] Second Coming of Christ by Paramhansa Yogananda, Inner Culture, May 1935


  1. Hi Mary, God bless you. Thank you for this wonderful article. Your words helped us a lot in our healing, spiritual and even material success.

    Joy Love and Light


  2. A great work you do before God and Guruji, We Read and Meditate and Pray and then we apply all in our daily existence in recognizing God More and More and More as all of this cosmic Dream, However your newsletters are always an extra boost, Thanks for your Help Mary, Blessings

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