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Saint Valentine – You can download this printable version for story-time

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  1. loved the story of Valentine. If I close my eyes I can hear Tim telling it. Thanks so much!

    1. https://www.ananda.org/healing-prayers/wp-content/themes/ananda-worldwide/images/layout/joy-symbol-avatar.png

      Thank you, Kaaminii, for that is the sweetest thing to hear it touched you that way…
      Blessings, Mary

  2. Thank you for your newsletters, Mary, they are a joy to receive.

    1. https://www.ananda.org/healing-prayers/wp-content/themes/ananda-worldwide/images/layout/joy-symbol-avatar.png

      Thank you for your kind words! I am glad you enjoy the newsletters…

  3. Dear Mary, I don’t know how, but I think I unsubscribed from your newsletter. I don’t know how to reactivate it. I was sent a “confirm follow” and clicked it and it then made an unfollow which I can’t undo. So please send me another subscription, however that is done. I would hate to miss out on your newsletter.

    warm regards, Nikki

  4. Absolutely beautiful. I used some of the info to create my own Valentine’s Card. Many friends & family were interested in the real story. Thank you for creating something so inspirational. It would be wonderful to put it all into actual cards. I’d purchase some, next year :),

    Wishing you Love, Peace & Harmony in your day.

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