Last month people enjoyed the story of Saint Valentine.  And for spring, I am sharing Stories of Christ: For the Season of Easter. These stories are suitable for older children, and for adults who want a heartfelt, easy read to tune in to the season.

My late husband, Tim Kretzmann, had a way of bringing depth and spiritual power to his storytelling, and the whole room would be still… He would meditate for hours before telling his story, to feel the spirit of it deeply. He said he knew the story was ready when it brought tears of divine love to his eyes…

Tim wrote the first section of these stories, and I wrote the stories pertaining to Christ’s many appearances in the 40 days after Easter.  Those stories are inspired by the four Gospels, the writings of Paramhansa Yogananda, and the visions of Therese Neumann. I added classical artwork to enhance the feeling of the stories.


Mary Kretzmann

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Ready to download and print and use as a story book:

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  1. In the Fifty’s I attended the Self-realization Center, read Yogananda’s book and
    participated in the movement. Attended Vivakananda’s Center in Hollywood. However
    I am a Christian Catholic. I read every night from the Bible and other works and
    as Jesus commended, I pray in my room.


      Hi John,
      Thanks for your comment. It is beautiful that you read every night from the Bible. I find it very helpful to read regularly from Paramhansa Yogananda’s work, The Second Coming of Christ. It contains the passages from the Bible and then his precious insights into the gospels. When I read from it I feel close to Christ and to Yogananda. Sometimes I find it helpful to pray over the book, and open where my fingers feel a special tingle… Oftentimes this has led me to profound answers – uncanny how specific it has been for me when I deeply need it.
      Thanks again for your thoughts.
      Mary Kretzmann

  2. Hi Mary – could you send me the link to your video on how to pray to handle people are who a problem in your daily life? thank you

      1. yes, Mary, thank you, that was the problem , I didn’t know it was written down and not part of the video.

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