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It is lovely to be back at Ananda Village after my teaching trip to New Zealand, a wonderful experience in which I discovered new ways to bring people into a deeper understanding of healing. I feel inspired to continue to travel and share these teachings.

I also taught a healing class to a large auditorium at the Yogananda Fest in Los Angeles, and I was touched to see the eyes of the students light up as I explained some of the deeper principles of healing, and of Christ’s miracles. I then led them through a visualization to help them feel ready to be an instrument of healing to others. It went very well, and I have included all that information in my new book, A Healer’s Handbook: Channeling the Light of Yogananda and Christ.

 I am so very pleased to announce the release of this book. It is full of stories and instruction that will be of great interest to healers. We hope to make the book readily available in many countries, over time. Below is part of the blurb from the Crystal Clarity website, which will offer this book as the next Hot Off the Press selection.


“…Many cases of instantaneous healing have occurred in her sessions: for example, a cure after ten years of chronic fatigue. Another person consulted Mary regarding a longstanding systemic infection that his doctors said could not be cured, but only controlled through ongoing, low-dose chemotherapy. That man’s session involved recovery from a deep past-life trauma; after his session, he was well.

Other cases of near-instantaneous healing include two young women who were cancer survivors. Their medical treatments had left them with many health problems. After one session each with Mary, their health was much improved and their menstrual cycles returned.

Mary has seen the power of invoking Psalm 23, as a tool to help clients open to God’s healing grace and to direct energy into the particular chakra that correlates to their physical and emotional issues….Post-traumatic stress can reverberate through lifetimes if the trauma was harrowing. Many people have told the author that “One session with you helped me much more than years of therapy…”


I’ve also included a short excerpt from my book, below, which is also available here on, where it has the potential to reach many new people.  It would be lovely, once some of you have had a chance to read the book, to have many favorable reviews on Amazon helpful reviews boost the confidence of any truth seekers considering buying the book. I will put out reminders about this next month, too. Thanks for your help!

Too Many Books

 This story gives an example of how our “stuff” has vibrations and affects us on many levels… One time a woman received a session with me as a gift from her friend. The woman had chronic headaches and other issues. When I put my hands on her head at the beginning of the session, in my mind’s eye I saw stacks of books piled up on the floor throughout her house. This vision persisted, so I asked her tentatively, “Do you have a lot of books in your home? In fact, do you have too many books?”

 She said it depends on what you would call too many books. I replied, “Let me rephrase that: Would your husband say you have too many books in your house?”

 She sighed and said, yes. She hated to see any books thrown away, and she even “rescued” books from used book sales at the library. I told her that was lovely, except that it was contributing to her headaches because it was congesting the energy in her body, just as it was congesting the energy in her home. I asked how many of her books she could get rid of immediately when she got home, Would it be 10% or 20% of her books? And she said she could remove 10 % immediately.

I asked it that would get the books off of the floors because I could “see” that she also had many bookshelves lining the walls of her home. She said yes – the 10% would get the stacks of books off of the floors. I heard later that this proved very helpful for her headaches and for her marriage!


The painting for the cover was created by Tifanny Nightingale, a devotee I met in New Zealand. During my first weekend workshop, she told me that she had painted this years ago, but she never knew what to name it. But after being led through my visualization of Psalm 23 in the Chakras, she said she would name the painting, The Lord is My Shepherd. I am honored that Tifanny’s beautiful painting graces the cover of the book, for it speaks to the blessed attunement that is at the heart of divine healing.

May God bless you all.

                                                                                                      Joy to you,

                                                                                                Mary Kretzmann

                                                                                                Ananda Healing Prayer Ministry


  1. is this book available india and what is the cost.. i would like to get hold of it..

  2. I purchased the i book online version highly recommend it thank y
    Love and light

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