Booth with copies of Autobiography of a Yogi and related pictures

Ananda Palo Alto hosted a number of outreach events in 2023 at various locations across the greater San Francisco Bay area – Tracy, San Ramon, Fremont, Half Moon Bay and also in Mountain View. All these were held in public venues to welcome newcomers, who all received a free copy of “Autobiography of a Yogi.” We also held follow up meditation classes in many of these locations after the public event.

The events in San Ramon and Fremont were the biggest, and the audience included around 40 newcomers in each talk. San Ramon especially holds a lot of promise and since the first event, we have returned 4 more times to conduct classes, as well as yoga and guided meditation sessions that will continue as we build momentum in this area.

Another highlight was a huge Indian independence parade (around ten thousand attendees and onlookers) in Fremont where 20 of us walked with huge banners and signs representing Yogananda and his teachings.