Nayaswami Jyotish speaking at the temple in Ananda Washington Seattle
Nayaswamis Jyotish and Devi greeting people at Ananda Washington/Seattle

The Joy is Within You weekend with Nayaswami Jyotish and Nayaswami Devi in Seattle began with a Friday evening Satsang at the Bothell temple. Over 90 active Kriyabans attended.

Saturday there was a large outreach event which took place at the Bothell temple sanctuary and in the Yoga Hall. The program included a Sadhana in the temple, a brunch with community residents, and followed by talks on communities.

Keynote talks were given by Jyotish and Devi on the topic: 

    Free Yourself from Worries, Habits and Limiting Beliefs

Following the talks was an afternoon tea/reception, with a book signing with Jyotish and Devi, as well as a “painting signing” by Jyotish.

About 200 people attended the events and many stayed the entire time. Promotions for the events included posters throughout the region, 2 radio stations plus NPR, East West bookshop emails to 25 thousand people, Facebook and website promo, Ananda’s Facebook ads, and Instagram.

About 30% of those attending were brand new. In addition, Sangha participants came who had not attended events since the pandemic began. 

The weekend events brought Joy both Within and Without!