Nayaswami Seva left her body Sunday, November 14, 2021 at the age of 86.

Swami Kriyananda always had a special place in his heart for Nayaswami Seva because she was instrumental in helping him get Ananda started. She met him in San Francisco in 1967 when he was teaching yoga and meditation in the Bay Area. She had reached a point in her life where she saw no meaning in the material world. When she met Swamiji, she found the reason for her incarnation.

Life at Ananda

Seva moved to the newly acquired Meditation Retreat in 1970 to help Swamiji begin what was to become a worldwide work. A trained accountant, she oversaw the finances of Ananda and kept the community afloat financially when we had lots of ideas and almost no money. She met with Swamiji regularly at the end of each day for tea and to discuss news of the community. She was in her mid-thirties at that point, with good professional discipline and a very clear focus on who Swamiji was and his intentions for Ananda Village. This made her a role model for the community, dedicating her life to helping him with his mission. In those early years, Swamiji called Seva and Nayaswami Jyotish his two “right-hand men.”

When Swamiji started the Friends of God monastery in 1971, Seva was one of the first to join. She became the “mother superior,” a friend and guide for the young nuns and also a source of inspiration for the monks. She instilled in the nuns the habit of twice-daily meditation, both group and personal, as well as dynamic service to the community. She was appreciated for her wise counsel and clear focus – her inner joy became increasingly radiant, in her eyes and in her smiles.

In 1977 Seva, along with several other Ananda members, traveled with Swamiji for 6 months to Europe and India. Seva was one of those who remained with Swamiji during his several-month period of seclusion in Kashmir, India. During that time, Swamiji was exploring how the world would relate to Master’s teachings through the instrument of Swami Kriyananda. It was to be a turning point for everyone who accompanied him. A quote from Seva’s diary at that time:

When at Suffering Moses yesterday Swami was drawn to a beautifully carved table. He wanted it for the new retreat and talked all day about having some really good pieces to uplift consciousness and show people Ananda’s refinement. Swami felt having this furniture would help us take more care and pride in what we do. He talked about furnishing each room in the style of different countries – one, of course, being Kashmir.

These pieces of Kashmiri furniture are now some of the centerpieces at the Crystal Hermitage as well as furnishing one of the rooms at Harmony House at The Expanding Light retreat.

Spiritual Qualities

Seva always attuned herself to whatever Swamiji was doing: she attended every event she could whether at Ananda village or the colonies or in Europe; joined the choir to learn all the music; was part of the Italian Oratorio Choir tour in 2000; was part of every work day to increase the beauty of the land as well as help others learn about true service; always being available to talk or laugh or meditate together. Her presence in these many ways helped increase the attunement of the entire Ananda community as well.

In her later years, with fewer outward responsibilities, she became pure love and compassion for everyone, always joyful, always clear on life’s purpose as finding God.

Throughout her life, Seva liked to do things quickly and without fuss. Master (Paramhansa Yogananda) blessed her to be able to leave her body in the same way as he did: with a heart attack that released her from her bodily cage from one moment to the next.

From a friend:

“What will always stay in my mind about Seva is her dedication to this path. I knew from 1992, when I met Seva, if I wanted to attune to Swami, I should attune to Seva. Developing a close friendship during these years kept me strong and provided an example of discipleship. She was a great joy, always a ready smile and always an interest in my life and my spiritual travels. Her soul is intensely strong. It was that constant intensity that kept me moving forward in my determination to stay focused and strong on my journey.”

Two Notations from Her Journals:

“Love God more each day.  Focus in meditation on Master, keeping the mind from wandering. Help others and love them with God’s love. Trust in Master to guide your life.”

“Remember to:

  1. talk to Master
  2. think of Swami, listen to him
  3. love everyone
  4. be a cause, not an effect
  5. keep energy high
  6. serve, serve, serve
  7. only think of supporting & loving others.”