Wilt Thou come, wilt Thou come?
Just for once, come to me?
Will my days fly away without seeing Thee, my Lord?
Night and day, night and day,
I look for Thee night and day.

These words from the chant “Door of My Heart,” like so many others Master has given us, are filled with yearning for a divine response. For most of us, it seems that our pleas go forever unheard, and that we must continue waiting for our love for God to be requited.

Recently I read an interview with Yoganandaji that gave me a deeper understanding of what is happening in this seemingly one-sided love story. The interviewer said to Master, “You have a good and devoted following. Have you had to make an effort to create it?”

Master replied, “Does a magnet make an effort to draw the iron? There is a natural affinity between the iron and the power of the magnet.” He concluded, “Through earnest spiritual longing the disciple seeks the guru—one who can lead him to God. And the true guru, when he intuitively knows a disciple sent by God, makes an effort to draw him, and goes out of his way to help him.”

This response filled my heart with joy, because it brought home to me once again that the love of the disciple for the guru or God is not at all one-sided, but reciprocal. The power of divine attraction can only exist if it flows in both directions: from the disciple to the guru, but even more importantly, from the guru to the disciple.

In this regard, the beautiful story came to mind from Autobiography of a Yogi in which Master meets his guru, Sri Yukteswar, for the first time. The young Mukunda was on an errand for the Benares ashram where he was staying, when he was led to an inconspicuous lane. “A Christlike man,” he wrote, “in the ocher robes of a swami stood motionless at the end of the road. Instantly and anciently familiar he seemed.”

But Mukunda is assailed by doubts and continues on his way. As he does so, his feet become numb, and he realizes that the saint is magnetically drawing him. Retracing his steps, he kneels ardently at his guru’s feet.

“O my own, you have come to me!” Sri Yukteswar says again and again in Bengali, his voice tremulous with joy. “How many years I have waited for you!”

With our limited perception, we are only aware of our unrequited love for God. We remain oblivious to the fact that the Divine Friend has long been calling to us: “How many years I have waited for you!”

How do we open ourselves to the reality that God’s love is with us right now, and in truth has always been there? In chanting, prayer, and meditation, when you feel your devotion reaching out to God, remember that it is His love for you that is drawing the yearning from your heart. This love does not originate with you. It is the Divine reaching out to a beloved child, calling you home.

Try to feel that moment of great fulfillment which Yogananda described in another of his chants, of “heart to heart meeting, Spirit and soul’s greeting.”

This is the end of all of our searching and striving: when we know that our love for God has never been unrequited, but has always been received by Him, and returned many times over.

With a joyful heart,

Nayaswami Devi

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  1. I feel like my Guru saying me all these, reading this post ,such a beautiful ,spiritually rich article ,thank you so much for writing such Divine one. :)

  2. Such a powerful message and reminder. Swami captured the moment magically. Thanks for sharing this inspirational experience.
    Stay safe and blessed.

  3. Dear Devi. Thank you once again. I am so old and I have to say that I lookin for my Guru. My inspiration is mother Mary. Is this o.k. thank you.

    1. Dear Mariana,

      Whatever form of God awakens love in your heart is the path for you to follow. Young or old doesn’t matter, only our sincerity and self-offering.

  4. So beautiful……Eternally Blessed & Grateful…..Aum Guru🙏🌹

  5. I am a disciple of Swami Hariharananda Giri in New Jersey.I am from Orissa and Familiar with Swami Yukteswar Ashram in Puri,during my annual visit home.I am a practicing Cardiologist for 4 decades here in NJ.
    I am prostrating before thy lotus feet.

  6. This is exactly what I needed to hear today. Aum Gurudeva 🙏

  7. Dear Divine Deviji,
    What can I say….it brought me to tears….such a beautiful passage. Yes, it is all God and Gurus. They draw us magnetically. It is we who resist lifetime after lifetime. Hope my own journey ends soon with the help of these Divine Teachings.
    Thanks so much for this insightful blog. Jai Guru!

  8. In deepest gratitude I offer myself to you Guruji. Thank you Deviji for this most timely and ardent and most needed reminder. Namaste

  9. Thanks for your kindness and the love of Yoganand ji
    Love and blessings from Venezuela.

  10. Thank you for this beautiful article. Pranam dear Deviji.

  11. Dear Deviji,

    Pranam, thank you for the wonderful article. So powerful statement by Master, “Does a magnet make an effort to draw the iron? There is a natural affinity between the iron and the power of the magnet.”

    Those magical moments of Master meeting his Guru Sri Yukteshwar is ever hair raising one.!
    Thank you .


  12. Dear Devi, my skin tingled with recognition and my heart opened with tears in these beautiful words of truth. Thank you.

  13. So very beautiful and touching dear Devi. You words brought tears to my eyes feeling Master and Swami so near. . With love and gratitude, bhsjana

  14. Dear Nayaswami Devi

    Your divine prose always fills my inner core with a sense of deep gratitude. You are indeed a fine writer, and your inspiring words draw me like a magnet. It takes real steadfast untiring and selfless work to become a realised soul like you. My respectful Pranam.

  15. mm

    Dear Nayaswami Devi ji,

    This article touched my heart. Thank you so much for this, it truly helped me. Lots of love, Manmohini

  16. How many times I have read that thrilling passage but I never got this important message! Thank you for this heart opening reminder.

  17. Feeling / Hearing so much Love — Thank You

  18. Dear Daviji!
    Heartfelt gratitude appreciation and happiness. Thank you. I love this “my own” you feel it is eternal of with the reciprocating

  19. What a beautiful and tender words for who has opened his heart to Him. Dhanjavad, Devi.

  20. “…the love of the disciple for the guru or God is not at all one-sided, but reciprocal. The power of divine attraction can only exist if it flows in both directions: from the disciple to the guru, but even more importantly, from the guru to the disciple.”

    So pertinent and timely!
    God Bless you!
    ~~~Peace, Josette

  21. My reverential salutations and thanks to you Divine Deviji .

  22. Dear Devi,

    I too would like to thank you for sharing your wisdom and reminding me that Yoganadaji is willing and calling me to his path to God. When I feel unworthy of his kindness and teachings, it is good to be reminded of his love for each of us seeking Our Divine Creator.

  23. Dear Nayaswami Devi Ji,

    Thank you for this lovely blog.

    I enjoyed reading these lines in particular – “And the true guru, when he intuitively knows a disciple sent by God, makes an effort to draw him, and goes out of his way to help him”…
    Wow. How blessed are we 🙏

    In Master’s love

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