Happiness is a choice that we can make at any time.  As Swami Kriyananda says in “Affirmations for Self-Healing,” “Happiness is an attitude of mind, born of the simple determination to be happy under all outward circumstances.  Happiness lies not in things, nor in outward attainments.  It is the gold of our inner nature, buried beneath the mud of outward sense-cravings.”


God’s Role in Human History

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Varadaraya: Why didn’t Yogananda use even a small part of his powers to have a tangible positive effect on India where people die of poverty and hunger and all sorts of problems which western world can’t even imagine? He didn’t do anything to protect India from British rule… So much of Indias wealth was taken away by the British and people…


What Is Real Love?

Nayaswami Gyandev

Question from John Pish: Master wrote, “Real love finds happiness, even at the cost of great personal sacrifice, in the happiness of the loved one.” In my conjugal relationship, I have been struggling with the notion of real love, personal sacrifice, and dysfunctional helping. What are the earmarks of real love’s personal sacrifice? How does it contrast with the sacrifice caused by helping those…


Untangling the Knots of Co-Dependency

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Rush: Regarding co-dependence in relationships: I grew up as an only child in a slightly volatile household, and often felt that I was responsible for my parents happiness. I thought that as long I was a ‘good child,’ they would stop fighting and love me. As an adult, I find it hard to assert myself, because I feel my feelings are…


Broken promises, bad karma, and divine forgivness

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Sudhakaran: Dear individual, Here is my question, which is also a confession. I made a promise to the masters (I feel a special affinity to Mahavatar Babaji) to not commit a certain act. But I could not resist the temptation and went ahead with it. In order to ease my conscience before committing the act, I rationalised to myself that the…