Clarity Magazine, Spiritual Growth, Spirituality and Science

A Healer’s Journey

Years ago, I discovered that one of my biggest challenges as a nurse was attachment to the person I was serving, and also to my role as a caring professional. My first awareness of this came when I found myself in tears because I was unable to be present at the childbirth of a favorite patient.

Clarity Magazine, Spiritual Growth

How Important Is The Body?

Everything we eat, think, and do affects bodily health. Periodically, we need to take inventory and ask ourselves: What we are aiming toward? How are we progressing toward that goal? Is it at the expense of our health?

Clarity Magazine, Health and Healing, Spiritual Growth, Spirituality and Science

Living with Parkinson’s

Bill knows that to meet the challenges of Parkinson’s, he needs to raise his physical, mental, and spiritual energy. He believes that miracles do happen and that a recovery from Parkinson’s is a very real possibility. He says, “The key is not to lose hope.”

Clarity Magazine, Spiritual Growth

How Should We Meet Our Tests?

Illness is often one of the most serious challenges people face and can be a major test. Fifteen years ago, I had a rare, debilitating illness; fatigue, fever, pain and shortness of breath were my constant companions.

Clarity Magazine, Coping with Loss, Health and Healing, Spiritual Growth

Transcending the Challenges of Chronic Illness

The emotional and spiritual challenges of an illness are perhaps even harder than the physical. There’s the temptation to fall into self-pity or to be hurt by other people’s impatience or lack of understanding.

Clarity Magazine, Health and Healing

Fascinating Food Facts

To obtain the best results from food, one should give careful consideration to properly combining the items used at one meal, and reducing them to the minimum.

Clarity Magazine, Health and Healing, Overcoming Challenging Karma, Spiritual Growth

Spiritual Healing: A Ten-Year Food Addiction

Spiritual healing worked for me when nothing else did. From my own experience, I know that strong willpower coupled with dynamic faith in the Guru can accomplish just about anything.

Clarity Magazine, Coping with Loss, Overcoming Challenging Karma

The Worst Choice I Ever Made—and the Best

The death of a parent is never easy to accept, especially when you’re an impressionable 15-year-old shielded from life’s harsh edges.

Clarity Magazine, Spiritual Growth

Christian Science and Hindu Philosophy

The founder of Christian Science, Mary Baker Eddy, was a student of the Hindu scriptures, who taught the basic principles of mind over matter first taught by the Hindus long ago.

Clarity Magazine, Spiritual Growth

Growing Younger

Americans have the consciousness that everything is possible. Their temperament is marked by qualities that make for mental youthfulness.