Clarity Magazine, Spirituality and Science

Near-Death Experiences: A Watershed Moment for Science

When you add to his prolonged coma his well-documented lack of brain function, then Dr. Eben Alexander’s near-death experience, discussed in his book, “Proof of Heaven,” becomes the perfect scenario to illustrate the reality of near-death experiences.

Spirituality and Science

Meditation Protects You Against Stress and Disease: The Latest Scientific Research

We now have solid scientific research explaining how the biological changes triggered by stress undermine the immune system’s function. There is also recent scientific research which shows that meditation is an important safeguard against stress-related diseases and that it can produce effects equal to standard medications.

Clarity Magazine, Spiritual Growth

Embracing Change

Outward change has been a constant in my life since I was a child. My family moved seven times before I was ten years old, and four more times when I was in high school.

Clarity Magazine, Daily Life, Spirituality and Science

Is There an Epidemic of Depression?

The most promising new treatment is known as Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS), a type of therapy that sends short bursts of highly focused magnetic energy pulses to the areas of the brain affected by depression.

Clarity Magazine, Spiritual Growth, Spirituality and Science

Addiction, Spirituality, and the Brain

In my opinion there can be no lasting recovery from addiction without a person discovering his or her spiritual path and following it. The natural tendency of the mind is to side with habit, and the natural tendency of habit is to take us back to what we already know.

Clarity Magazine, Daily Life, Spirituality and Science

Vaastu: The Science of Bringing Spirit into Form

Vaastu is the science of bringing Spirit into physical manifestation in the form of a building. A building designed and constructed according to Vaastu principles becomes “alive” with prana or life force. The building functions much like a radio that can only receive and transmit beneficial energies, and cosmic energy bathes the entire building.

Clarity Magazine, Daily Life, Spirituality and Science

Evidence of an Intelligent Creator: The Current Scientific Debate

Scientific knowledge is at the point where we now understand that many physical properties of the universe had to be exactly right for human life to exist. Today there are so many examples of these unique “life-friendly properties” that science can no longer dismiss all of them as mere chance or coincidence.

Clarity Magazine, Spirituality and Science

Can Music Heal Us? — The Latest Scientific Findings

There’s a considerable body of research showing that music can have healing effects for certain physical and mental disorders. In fact, music therapy is a widely recognized form of treatment for anxiety, depression, chronic pain, cardiovascular disease, and weakened immunity.

Clarity Magazine, Spiritual Growth, Spirituality and Science

Meditation and Emotions: Their Impact on Your Brain and Health

Because the authors included in their book studies of a wide range of different religions, they were able to show that the positive effects of religious beliefs and practices on the brain are not tied to any specific religion or belief system.

Clarity Magazine, Spiritual Growth, Spirituality and Science

Cooperative Healing—Devotees and Their Health Care

As devotees, we always need to keep in mind that God-realization is our highest priority. And God may want us to work with our health in a way that differs from our personal inclinations.