The law of cause and effect. (1)

The Bible refers to karma in the book of Galatians when it says, “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” If you sow evil, you will reap evil in the form of suffering. And if you sow goodness, you will reap goodness in the form of inner joy. Every action, every thought, brings about its own corresponding rewards. Human suffering is not a sign of God’s anger with mankind. It is a sign, rather, of man’s ignorance of the divine law. (2)

It is the law of karma that makes reincarnation necessary. If one doesn’t receive all the positive and negative consequences of one’s actions by the time he or she dies, then one must come back to receive those consequences. However, in that lifetime they also create more good and bad karma, and so must come back again and again. (2) Even a desire for something or someone creates karma that must be fulfilled. And if one’s desire is not fulfilled in during one’s life, that will also cause the person to reincarnate. (3)


The Law of Karma and the Holocaust

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Jo Graham: A spiritual teacher of mine said that the Jews deserved to be gassed in the Holocaust. That it was their karma. I disagree!!!



Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Raghavan: Is rebirth a true phenomenon? If yes can we find out where a person has re birthed?


Why Did God Create Karma and Suffering?

Nayaswami Diksha

Question from charu: namaste; is karma the only medium through which self realization happens, why is the creator playing with our emotions through the process called karma. In other words, why existence and hence so much suffering everywhere? would be so grateful I get answer to this question, its been bothering me for long time. thanks for responding to my previous questions. with … Read More


Karma and Meditation

Nayaswami Maria

Question from Garry Jenness: I have meditated off and on for over 53 years. My efforts have been, shall we say, not so fruitful. Lately, I have given a more heartfelt effort. Now it seems the floodgates of my karma have opened wide. What, if anything, can be done to keep me from letting the “world” win? I have been an Ananda member, I … Read More


Loss of Husband

Mary Kretzmann

Question from Purnima: I just lost my husband,not able to cope for all the love,care and support he gave.married 4 years and suddenly one day he was brutally murdered.He was man of good social stature,would solve the problems of people who came to him.loved family,his work and me so much.I don’t have any children.why did he go like this?He did good to everyone … Read More


God’s Role in Human Affairs

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from PVss: Are spiritual gurus like babaji helping mankind in reducing corruption.What role they play in such cases? So many people are tortured in Kashmir and it has became a highly dangerous place to live.Is god turning a deaf ear to the plights of people there?


How Can I Be Freed of This Difficult Karma?

Nayaswami Savitri

Question from Seema gupta: I am a devotee and have been on the path for four years, I have been facing some difficult karma for a long time, and now I really want to be free from it. I also feel that when I practice meditation very regularly, something happens which pulls me down. Please help. Thank you.


How to Win Freedom from Rebirth

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Maria Corpetti: in this life time, one knows to end the cycle of birth and death. would you be aware in your knowing and understanding to be able to guide me into knowing where to go? — meaning, a place, or country to be able to do this?


Was it His Time to Die?

Nayaswami Diksha

Question from anonymous: month back my boyfriend came back to India from abroad to marry me and take me along. It was just 15 days after he died due to drug overdose(that drug is only available in India probably). every one in my family says that death is predefined, it was his time of death which brought him here but I call myself … Read More