
How Deeply Do We Need to Understand Karma?

Nayaswami Anandi

Question from Robin: With Karma- how does it work regarding karma effects in present life, and carrying over to our next life. In other words, is it just the karma not worked out in this life carried over to the next life, or are there certain things that are automatically carried over to the next life?


What Part of Us Lives on After Death?

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from AB: Dear sir, I just want to confirm that according to spiritual science there one identity which leaves the body at the time of death or there are two bodies wch leave the body at that time i.e astral body and causal body? If so…what is soul then? wch identity transmigrates? soul? Causal body or Astral body? I have gone…


Keeping in Touch with a Departed Loved One

Nayaswami Seva

Question from Naga: MY wife departed after a long traumatic suffering of more than 10 years of reccuring brain tumor. I was very confident of saving her as I tried different techniques. Unfortunately her soul departed in an unimaginable manner. After lot of analysis, I found that the root cause for her departure was she wanted to be relieved. And hence whatever effort…


Karma Is Like Debt

Nayaswami Sadhana Devi

Question from Aditya Bhargava: Respected sir,Just want to confirm that is it in the hands of God to grant some extension of age to any physical body or it doesn’t matter to him weather some one lives or dies on this matter how religious or unscruplous a person is?when does he show mercy on good people on this earth?Suppose I am th onlyone…


Is Karma Inescapable?

Nayaswami Gyandev

Question from k: As per my experience law of karma is the biggest unbreakable force of universe.It is more powerful than kriya yoga & even the will of god.No matter how regularly & constantly you practice kriya yoga,how close you are to guru,no matter what is the will of god but atlast the law of karma wins the race.It grabs you and carry…


Dealing with Unwise Attractions

Asha Nayaswami

Question from V: Hello, I need some help in regards to human relationships. Recently I found myself being attracted to this woman who works in my office. She is a very nice person at heart but her interests and personality is so very different from mine. Yet I cannot help being drawn to her..Day and night my mind is raked by fierce storms…


What is the soul?

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Nathan: If Prana and soul are different, what is the connection between the prana and soul? Does the prana help the soul to manifest in a body? Which comes first?In the mother’s womb, how does the soul and prana work together to create the body?


Burning up the seeds of past bad karma

Ananda Sangha Worldwide

Question from Joydeep: I’ve been on the spiritual path for the last 10 years and recently I have intensified my practice which has jump started my spiritual life. I have always had fears which I have tried to face as much as possible. Recently I was “attacked” by a spell of fear that lasted about 3 hours and I felt this intensity after…


America’s Karma: Good or Bad?

Nayaswami Devarshi

Question from Pam: PY has written that America has good karma. Indeed many of our founders were very enlightened (Jefferson, Franklin, Paine) & progressive in their ideas during our countries formation. But have we amassed negative karma when we displaced & killed millions of indigenous people, by our military policies of preemptive war in the Middle East, creation of a casino financial system…


Can listening to AUM free you from karma?

Nayaswami Maria

Question from priyal: Namaste, I’ve been practicing the Aum technique since a while now, there have been a few questions that have been bothering me, hope you can help me out a. Is it not true that a man has to live out his karma for liberation, how is it that hearing the Aum sound can help you out in this process b.…