The yogic key will not lose its efficiency when I am no longer present in the body to guide you. This technique cannot be bound, filed, and forgotten, in the manner of theoretical inspirations. Continue ceaselessly on your path to liberation through Kriya, whose power lies in practice.
Introspection, or "sitting in the silence," is an unscientific way of trying to force apart the mind and senses, tied together by the life force. The contemplative mind, attempting its return to divinity, is constantly dragged back toward the senses by the life currents. Kriya, controlling the mind directly through the life force, is the easiest, most effective, and most scientific avenue of approach to the Infinite. In contrast to the slow, uncertain "bullock cart" theological path to God, Kriya may justly be called the "airplane" route.
A Moslem should perform his namaj worship four times daily. Four times daily a Hindu should sit in meditation. A Christian should go down on his knees four times daily, praying to God and then reading the Bible.
Divine union, is possible through self-effort, and is not dependent on theological beliefs or on the arbitrary will of a Cosmic Dictator.
Thus, yoga, and particularly the science of Kriya Yoga, is supremely practical. This teaching is universal, since it addresses the central reality of what occurs anyway on the spiritual path for every sincere aspirant, whatever his outward beliefs.