

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Mathew: Nirvikalpa samadhi happens on which chakra? ‘Baptism on spirit’ happens on which chakra? “Born on spirit” happens on which chakra? Is “born on spirit” same as nirvikalpa samadhi?


The Meaning of “Nirbikalpa Samadhi”

Nayaswami Anandi

Question from Kailash: In the “Autobiography of a Yogi”, Sri Yukteswar says that only souls who have reached the state of nirbikalpa samadhi in their earthly existence can enter Hiranyaloka in the astral world. But having reached the state of Nirbikalpa Samadhi, which is complete union with God. Why do they have to reincarnate again?


Cosmic Consciousness

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Y: Hello, When one attains nirbikalpa samadhi, it is said they then realize their oneness with God and drop their individual egos. My question is: When thousands all over the world tune into Yogananda and the other masters, can they be with every one of them simultaneously? Are their personalities still intact or are they more of a “force of God”…