

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Faith: Dear ones, I have a friend who calls me many times a week to complain or ask for favors and this drains my energy. Whenever I spend time away from her I feel relaxed and good. The reason I keep in touch is because of her children. I think to cut her out of my life, but then I feel…

Wishing You a Noble New Year

Fireworks were already booming from the surrounding neighborhoods as we entered the Portland community chapel last night for our New Year’s Eve ceremony. It was a blessed evening complete with purification ceremony, 108 repetitions of the Mahamrityunjaya Mantra and a deep meditation til midnight.  I was struck by the simple yet powerful contrast of the fireworks and my inner experience: the big loud outward…

The Meditation Experiment

How many of us are hesitant to commit to a practice because we don’t think it will make any difference in our lives? Perhaps a voice in our head holds us back, afraid of any change that could challenge our comfortable status-quo. Or perhaps we doubt our potential or feel unworthy of success, thereby dampening any enthusiasm we might have….