Yoganandaji teaches that in manifesting Himself through the creation, God submits the creation to the laws of cause and effect (the law of karma). The corollary to the law of karma is the necessary one of reincarnation.

Once the soul reaches the human level, the Indian Scriptures say it takes at least another 5 – 8 million lives to become free. Why? Because we have more ability to make choices, and some of those choices take us backward (toward greater selfishness) instead of forward, toward greater freedom.



Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Raghavan: Is rebirth a true phenomenon? If yes can we find out where a person has re birthed?


Mother Teresa/St.John of the Cross, the Same Souls?

Nayaswami Savitri

Question from Jim: Hello, do you think Mother Teresa, now St.Teresa might have been “St. John of the cross” in a former life? I can’t really explain why I think this may be the case, I was just wondering what you may think about that. Thank you.


How to Win Freedom from Rebirth

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Maria Corpetti: in this life time, one knows to end the cycle of birth and death. would you be aware in your knowing and understanding to be able to guide me into knowing where to go? — meaning, a place, or country to be able to do this?


Was it His Time to Die?

Nayaswami Diksha

Question from anonymous: month back my boyfriend came back to India from abroad to marry me and take me along. It was just 15 days after he died due to drug overdose(that drug is only available in India probably). every one in my family says that death is predefined, it was his time of death which brought him here but I call myself…


Do We Have to Die in the Astral World to Be Born in This One?

Nayaswami Seva

Question from Elijah: HelloI was wondering when you die the astral body or soul goes to the spiritual world. But the question is when you get born again and your soul goes into a new body. Does that mean you die in the astral world. To be reincarnated again do you need to die in the astral plane ?. Or is it that…


Millions of Lifetimes

Nayaswami Parvati

Question from Niraj: Why does a human being keep getting born again? Unfuliflled desire is one thing which may be the reason but what about animals they would not have much desire other than food. What happens to reincarnation due to evil nature. does human become animal again


True Justice Requires Both Karma and Reincarnation

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Geetika: It is a law of all civilized countries, that when a prisoner is convicted or executed, he is told the reason why he is being punished. Our higher reasoning and justice call for this. This higher reasoning has been given to us by God. If that is so, then when we get divine punishment, we are very conveniently told all…


People Newly in the Human Body

Nayaswami Diksha

Question from Sweety: Hi Diksha! I was just going through your answer on traits of a person newly in the human body.I want to be a little more clear on this. Are all lazy people new in the human body? Traditional values have degenerated. We see many young men and women being involved in innumerable flings both before and after marriage. Some people…


Karma and the Mentally Disturbed

Nayaswami Seva

Question from Magnus Reuterswärd: Jai Guru, Are the karmic consequenses in any way affected if the doer of some evil is in fact mentally ill or mentally disturbed?


Can We Clear Our Karma?

Nayaswami Gyandev

Question from Hari Prasad Sahu: What are the symptoms, when one undergoes the process of karmic clearing? How long does the process continue? Does it happen phases? If so, how many times ? How could we know that the karma ended ?