
Who is responsible for suffering and evil?

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from David: If God is the doer, then the non-fundamental person has no free will and is not responsible for anything that happens. A murderer is not guilty: God was the doer. God is playing chess with himself, what is the point in that ? The doer, God, tortures and the victim, again God, suffers, or rather the character suffers pain and…


Why Did God Create Karma and Suffering?

Nayaswami Diksha

Question from charu: namaste; is karma the only medium through which self realization happens, why is the creator playing with our emotions through the process called karma. In other words, why existence and hence so much suffering everywhere? would be so grateful I get answer to this question, its been bothering me for long time. thanks for responding to my previous questions. with…


God’s Role in Human History

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Varadaraya: Why didn’t Yogananda use even a small part of his powers to have a tangible positive effect on India where people die of poverty and hunger and all sorts of problems which western world can’t even imagine? He didn’t do anything to protect India from British rule… So much of Indias wealth was taken away by the British and people…


Why Do We Suffer?

Nayaswami Hriman

Question from Siddharth Patel: Why did God create this world? We do wrong things out of ignorance and we suffer. Only experience teaches us which is hard teacher. How can I remain happy being aware of the fact that some people doing wrong things and will have to suffer. If there is no creation, there would be no ignorance and no suffering.


Is God Real?

Nayaswami Anandi

Question from H.J.A: How do you know that God is real when there is no proof that God is real ? Not that i can see anyway


Karma Is Like Debt

Nayaswami Sadhana Devi

Question from Aditya Bhargava: Respected sir,Just want to confirm that is it in the hands of God to grant some extension of age to any physical body or it doesn’t matter to him weather some one lives or dies on this matter how religious or unscruplous a person is?when does he show mercy on good people on this earth?Suppose I am th onlyone…