The ability to visualize is very useful in all aspects of life. Athletes – like gymnasts, divers, even bob-sledders – learn to visualize the feats they wish to accomplish, as a way of focusing their minds and directing their efforts in a particular way. The spiritual principle is that energy follows thought. Another way of expressing this principle is that nothing can be accomplished unless we have a clear idea of what we wish to accomplish.


Wanting to Induce Lucid Dreams

Nayaswami Savitri

Question from SpirituallyInterested: Hello,I would like to ask if there is a special meditation or kriya technique which could help developing the ability to lucid dreaming?I’m a beginner in all things spiritual and I only used western techniques to induce lucid dreams but it doesn’t work. Are there any eastern yoga techniques to achieve full consciousness in the dream state? If so, please…


Dreaming of the Spiritual Eye

Nayaswami Savitri

Question from Vaibhav: I had a dream in which I was sleeping, and I was concentrating on my spiritual eye. Suddenly I felt a bright white light (too dense) in which I was completely absorbed. I found my body was being uplifted, and I could hear an unusual sound (bell type) and feel a sensation in my 3rd eye. I felt so much…


A Dream of a Ghost/Spirit

Nayaswami Savitri

Question from Patricia: I have a question and only because I believe in the spiritual and my husband does not, I found it strange. He said he had a dream (we were in Mexico) that a ghost/spirit had come and grabbed my arm and put its mark on me. I found that a little unsettling. Is there some sort of significance or am…

A Visualization to Overcome Negative Thoughts and Habits

Question from Rajat Raj: Hello, I had read about about practising visualization. I also read that visualisation can be used to overcome negative thoughts. I just wanted to know a little more. How can I use it to overcome negative thoughts, negative visions/images and negative habits while practicing this visualisation technique. Thank you so much for sending the link to ask my question. I…

Is It OK to Pray Without Words?

Question from Adam: Is it okay to pray in mental symbols/pictures rather than with spoken words? For example, If i was intending to pray for (an astrological bangle) and I offered my prayer..Instead of saying something like “Please God bless me with an astrological bangle for I am convinced it will help me on my path of self-realization”, would it be okay if…