This certification training is 830 hour modular program, requiring a minimum of two years for completion. We work closely with our students to help them determine which courses would be best for them to take when, in accordance with their personal schedules of family and work-life, their experience as yoga teachers, and their finances.

The training includes the following courses and activities. They do not necessarily need to be taken in the order given. For instance, while you are gaining 80 hours of teaching experience to enter Principles, you may take other courses that do not have this prerequisite. Please contact us for help setting up your itinerary for this wonderful journey of learning and joy.

Ananda Yoga, Therapeutic Yoga, Yoga Teacher Training

Yoga Therapy Final Essay

Author: Kyle McDonald Kyle McDonald C-IAYT 2017 Yoga Therapist/ Healing Arts Instructor Children’s Integrative Therapies, Pain Management & Supportive Care Department / Hasbro Children’s Hospital Rhode Island Hospital Cancer Institute Reflecting on my own journey of healing, I know that Raja Yoga, the 8-limbed path, is a lifestyle system, which affects mind, body and spirit and has the potential to … Read More


Restorative Yoga Teacher Training

You will learn how to teach two comprehensive restorative yoga routines, including how to guide and give instruction on breathing, proper alignment, and safety mechanics for asanas as well as their cautions and contraindications.